Yep - Day 39 of a VLCD diet and I'm feeling great :D TPBM has an allergy
Cuqsuita Full Member 22 May 2012 #6,101 Yep - Day 39 of a VLCD diet and I'm feeling great TPBM has an allergy
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 22 May 2012 #6,102 Yes but only to penicillin TPBM has a holiday booked for this year
IWillBeAYummyMummy Supercalifragilistic 23 May 2012 #6,103 Orlando in November tpbm has lost at least 2 stone.
Cuqsuita Full Member 23 May 2012 #6,105 I used to hate them when I was younger, now I don't mind them. Lemon tea's acceptable, but I wouldn't choose it over other tea. TPBM has watched all Harry Potter films
I used to hate them when I was younger, now I don't mind them. Lemon tea's acceptable, but I wouldn't choose it over other tea. TPBM has watched all Harry Potter films
Fionut slowly shrinking 23 May 2012 #6,106 not watched any or read the books, just didn't appeal to me TPBM is watching the apprentice
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 23 May 2012 #6,107 No I am on here cant do both at once TPBM got burnt in the sun today
Fionut slowly shrinking 24 May 2012 #6,108 Not this time, I was careful. Tpbm has a red dressing gown Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Not this time, I was careful. Tpbm has a red dressing gown Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
IWillBeAYummyMummy Supercalifragilistic 24 May 2012 #6,109 Nope, Its pink tpbm has won a tenner off a scratch card.
Fionut slowly shrinking 24 May 2012 #6,110 I wish! Tpbm is gonna wear a dress today. Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
I wish! Tpbm is gonna wear a dress today. Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 24 May 2012 #6,111 No dont wear dresses too fat TPBM has a nice day planned
Fionut slowly shrinking 24 May 2012 #6,112 A good as a day at work can be. Tpbm needs new sunglasses Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
A good as a day at work can be. Tpbm needs new sunglasses Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 24 May 2012 #6,113 Yes i do actually as my littleun broke mine last year i only wear them for driving though TPBM stuck to their diet yesterday
Yes i do actually as my littleun broke mine last year i only wear them for driving though TPBM stuck to their diet yesterday
Fionut slowly shrinking 24 May 2012 #6,114 I did, and had a sneaky pop on the scales and down 1lb . Official way in Sunday. Tpbm has black undies on. Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
I did, and had a sneaky pop on the scales and down 1lb . Official way in Sunday. Tpbm has black undies on. Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 24 May 2012 #6,116 No but i have 4 teenage daughters TPBM is enjoying the sun today
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 26 May 2012 #6,117 Moi!?! Not on your nelly... Tpbm is going to wear a bikini today.
Fionut slowly shrinking 26 May 2012 #6,118 Me? You sure? looks kinda unlikely as I don't own one... but it's only 1.30pm, someone might gift me one before then and I might wear it! TPBM thinks it's time for a BBQ
Me? You sure? looks kinda unlikely as I don't own one... but it's only 1.30pm, someone might gift me one before then and I might wear it! TPBM thinks it's time for a BBQ
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 26 May 2012 #6,119 Was having one today but lazy husband decided to put it off until tomorrow TPBM is wearing a bright summery colour today
Was having one today but lazy husband decided to put it off until tomorrow TPBM is wearing a bright summery colour today
Fionut slowly shrinking 26 May 2012 #6,120 White embroidered top and darker blue trousers count? Tpbm wonders why teens have to talk so much on the phone Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
White embroidered top and darker blue trousers count? Tpbm wonders why teens have to talk so much on the phone Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!