The person below me game

Always! Hehe

Tpbm loves their job
sure do!
TPBM likes Pepsi over Coke
Yup any day!!

Tpbm always has the same haircut
Not true! Gone from waist length to very short bob and everything Inbetween.

Tpbm has no fillings

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I haven't :p

Tpbm has watched all the Twilight Films
not seen 1!

TPBM has no points on their licence
Yes, and the foreground too!

Tpbm snores !

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Like a pig!

TPBM is on here when they should be doing something else :p
Actually nope, free till 3 so minimins time.

Tpbm wishes they were outside.

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Wish i was in bed tbh lol

Tpbm is going to street party in the bank holiday weekend
nobody has invited me to one :(:(:(

TPBM is very ticklish
Yep - when I was little I claimed to be allergic to tickles since I was so sensitive to them.
TPBM likes apricots
Ewww not me!

Tpbm has started Christmas shopping!

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Nope! Last min girl me!

Tpbm loves gravy on chips
Mmmm, but so high in carbs!

Tpbm is a secret geek

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There is no secret, even my Guides call me a geek.

TPBM owns a sewing machine
Geeks of the world unite!

And yes I do, 2!

Tpbm prefers writing in pencil instead of pen

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Sorry no, I am a fountain pen girl.

TPBM is wearing birkenstocks