i dont think i ever wrote to her but i did have a cool pillow for my teeth tpbm is hungry
~Laura~ Full Member 7 June 2012 #6,301 i dont think i ever wrote to her but i did have a cool pillow for my teeth tpbm is hungry
Fionut slowly shrinking 7 June 2012 #6,302 Still full from breakfast.. Tpbm has a baby sister Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Still full from breakfast.. Tpbm has a baby sister Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Tawny75 Full Member 7 June 2012 #6,303 I do have a baby sister, well she is 34, still my baby sister though. TPBM has went away for the Jubilee weekend
I do have a baby sister, well she is 34, still my baby sister though. TPBM has went away for the Jubilee weekend
dollydaydream76 Full Member 7 June 2012 #6,304 No stayed here in rainy Hertfordshire TPBM The person below me has an ipad
odd_sock Full Member 7 June 2012 #6,306 At some point, been engaged for a year now but no date set for the wedding yet (I want to get to target first rather than trying to weight to a deadline). TPBM has had a 100% week x
At some point, been engaged for a year now but no date set for the wedding yet (I want to get to target first rather than trying to weight to a deadline). TPBM has had a 100% week x
Fionut slowly shrinking 7 June 2012 #6,307 Errr, well... sort of, if you don't count last Saturday... Tpbm has a purple umberella Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Errr, well... sort of, if you don't count last Saturday... Tpbm has a purple umberella Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Fionut slowly shrinking 8 June 2012 #6,309 I pretend not to but secretly keep up with the goss TPBM once fell in a pond
dollydaydream76 Full Member 8 June 2012 #6,310 Nope but my hubby did and my father in law well funny TPBM. Wants to read 50 shades of grey
IWillBeAYummyMummy Supercalifragilistic 8 June 2012 #6,311 Already have Tpbm has taken part in a naked bike ride!
Fionut slowly shrinking 8 June 2012 #6,312 Blimey, who would wanna do that? Tpbm fancies a plate of chips Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Blimey, who would wanna do that? Tpbm fancies a plate of chips Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Fionut slowly shrinking 8 June 2012 #6,315 dye it all the time, nothing too different from my normal colour though TPBM has held a baby bird in their hands
dye it all the time, nothing too different from my normal colour though TPBM has held a baby bird in their hands
Shell2412 Full Member 8 June 2012 #6,316 Not a baby, but I do have a Parrot called Fizzbomb if she counts? =] Tpbmis having something yummy for tea? (Am stuck for ideas lol)
Not a baby, but I do have a Parrot called Fizzbomb if she counts? =] Tpbmis having something yummy for tea? (Am stuck for ideas lol)
D dirtydancing Gold Member 8 June 2012 #6,317 am having s/w burger, chips salad and coleslaw. TPBM is staying in tonight.
Fionut slowly shrinking 8 June 2012 #6,318 I'm having chicken breasts wrapped in bacon and grilled on the George Forman Grill TPBM has never broken a limb
I'm having chicken breasts wrapped in bacon and grilled on the George Forman Grill TPBM has never broken a limb
Shell2412 Full Member 8 June 2012 #6,319 Stanying in and have never broken a limb, just my toe, and that hurt bad enough! Tpbm is in love <3