yes i do! tpbm is up at 7 for work?
D dirtydancing Gold Member 4 September 2012 #6,542 yes well to get my daughter to school. work as dinner lady so start later on TPBM is off work today.
Lehairycrab getting back to target! 5 September 2012 #6,547 Yes I have foils done x strike that - yes I do wear make up The person below me loves fancy dress Last edited: 5 September 2012
D dirtydancing Gold Member 5 September 2012 #6,548 yes ido love fancy dress. TPBM is going to a party soon
Jess<3 Journey to 10 stone loss 5 September 2012 #6,549 hmm yeah my birthday next week TPBM watches eastenders?
Lehairycrab getting back to target! 5 September 2012 #6,550 Sorry no eastenders in my house lol TPBM has received autograph from a celebrity/someone famous
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 6 September 2012 #6,551 Only if you include speedway stars that were all the thing in my day... Tpbm is going to the doctors today
Only if you include speedway stars that were all the thing in my day... Tpbm is going to the doctors today
D dirtydancing Gold Member 6 September 2012 #6,552 no thats on monday for epilepsy. TPBM is going to the dentist.
WiiFitAddict Silver Member 6 September 2012 #6,555 I do but not as much as I like The Darkness lol TPBM has their eyebrows waxed
Jess<3 Journey to 10 stone loss 6 September 2012 #6,556 yes i have had them done but not again.. ouch lol. (threading i prefer) TPBM owns their house?
Lehairycrab getting back to target! 6 September 2012 #6,558 Yes - cadbury purple frames Tpbm has a child who has just started school (for the first time)
Jess<3 Journey to 10 stone loss 6 September 2012 #6,559 no not quite yet, hes only 15 months old lol. TPBM has lost 2 stone or more
nyssa88 Silver Member 6 September 2012 #6,560 Yes lost 6stone altogether not in 1 go but gained 1 stone back! Tpbm what diet plan (if any) are you currently following?
Yes lost 6stone altogether not in 1 go but gained 1 stone back! Tpbm what diet plan (if any) are you currently following?