No I haven't. TPBM has something exciting planned for Bank Holiday Monday.
lardylady Gold Member 3 May 2013 #7,301 No I haven't. TPBM has something exciting planned for Bank Holiday Monday.
D dirtydancing Gold Member 4 May 2013 #7,302 no nothing. TPBM still has a toy/teddy from when they were born
lardylady Gold Member 5 May 2013 #7,303 No, but I have some childhood teddy bears from when I was about 5. TPBM voted in the recent local elections.
No, but I have some childhood teddy bears from when I was about 5. TPBM voted in the recent local elections.
lardylady Gold Member 6 May 2013 #7,306 Yes, I was quite academic although rubbish at PE! TPBM has bought an item of clothing in the past 7 days.
Yes, I was quite academic although rubbish at PE! TPBM has bought an item of clothing in the past 7 days.
D dirtydancing Gold Member 7 May 2013 #7,307 yes for hubbys birthday. may have to treat myself. TPBM is going to wear sandels today.
Barmel Silver Member 7 May 2013 #7,308 oh god no, my feet are horrid and I dont suit sandals TPBM ...... has dropped a few dress sizes since last year
oh god no, my feet are horrid and I dont suit sandals TPBM ...... has dropped a few dress sizes since last year
lardylady Gold Member 7 May 2013 #7,312 No, the garden is the domain of my OH. I do nothing but sit out in it or hang the washing out! TPBM has a birthmark.
No, the garden is the domain of my OH. I do nothing but sit out in it or hang the washing out! TPBM has a birthmark.
Want2BeSlim Gold Member 8 May 2013 #7,314 Nope but when I was younger it was a dream of mine to go TPBM sunbathed over the weekend
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 8 May 2013 #7,315 Nope! Sunbathing is def not for me! Tpbm is having a party this week
D dirtydancing Gold Member 8 May 2013 #7,316 am going to a birthday pary on saturday. TPBM loves walking
SeptemberSize12 is a slinky size 12. 8 May 2013 #7,317 I do love walking - epsecially in the sunshine. The person below me loves One Direction.
SeptemberSize12 is a slinky size 12. 8 May 2013 #7,319 Im not married but I am happy. The person below me would never have plastic surgery.