I've never been there. TPBM has sold an item on ebay.
curlywurly21 Silver Member 15 July 2013 #7,682 Quite a few....esp uni books! Tpbm is planning a good holiday this year...
D dirtydancing Gold Member 16 July 2013 #7,683 yes go away in august. going to butlins. TPBM is having a parcel delivered soon
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 17 July 2013 #7,687 Nope! Bought a "new" one about 3yrs ago..couldn't work out how to use it!! Tpbm uses their microwave a lot
Nope! Bought a "new" one about 3yrs ago..couldn't work out how to use it!! Tpbm uses their microwave a lot
D dirtydancing Gold Member 18 July 2013 #7,688 not that much. TPBM has made loads of food for the freezer.
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 18 July 2013 #7,689 I have..and far too much 'cos the freezer is bulging! Tpbm loves the seaside
goldiesnoops Full Member 18 July 2013 #7,690 Definitely! Tpbm is doing something unusual to cool down
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 18 July 2013 #7,691 Depends on what you mean by unusual... ..I am sitting here still in my nightie with a fan just behind me... Tpbm loves the heat
Depends on what you mean by unusual... ..I am sitting here still in my nightie with a fan just behind me... Tpbm loves the heat
goldiesnoops Full Member 18 July 2013 #7,692 That's unusual enough! And yep I do! Tpbm is trawling YouTube for kitten videos
D dirtydancing Gold Member 18 July 2013 #7,693 no sorry. but may do now you said it. TPBM doesn't wear high heel shoes.
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 18 July 2013 #7,694 Not any more..used to and still have my platform 6" heels.. Tpbm loves roast dinners
lardylady Gold Member 18 July 2013 #7,697 No. I only watched the first three series then lost interest. TPBM enjoys gardening.
goldiesnoops Full Member 18 July 2013 #7,698 I would if I had one Tpbm is listening to their guilty secret song
D dirtydancing Gold Member 19 July 2013 #7,699 no sorry. TPBM always turns over the channel when the adverts are on.