The person below me game

Yes sometimes. Tpbm likes minty toothpaste.
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I love all toothpaste. Paranoid about my
Teeth. No fillings and cracked one last week and will need a filling to fix it. Cried load.

TPBM will wash the car tomoro
No, I took it to the car wash during the week.

TPBM will eat bread today.
no probably not
Tpbm will be cooking a large roast dinner tomorrow
I do. Like trying new places. Hence the need for surgery :-(

TPBM wears matching coloured underwear every day
lol lol no I dont manage everyday
Tpbm will be going on hoilday soon
I wish I was but my surgery should be within the next 6-8 weeks and I have my endoscopy to get done 7th May. After that tho. Absolutely.

TPBM likes zombie films