The person below me game

It's not difficult ......... overgrown child ......... ;)

tpbm has resisted the pancake temptation
AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! ***Holds fingers up in shape of cross*** NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Holby City for me!! And OH fortunately :)

tpbm is working tomorrow
LOL ... I WAS until I made him understand how much support I get and how it occupies eating/thinking about food time ;)

tpbm is looking forward to spring
Nobody better buy me one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tpbm has lost 18lbs (;))
Yup I am at the mo - long may it continue

tpbm is wearing pink
Yay!! Kefalonia in September!!

tpbm likes reptiles
i love it especially whens its liverpool and we win!! a loser!!(weight i mean)
doing okay atm

tpbm has new shoes