The person below me game

I did a bit :( I kept dreaming of my wedding (the morning before it to be more specific) and everything that could go wrong went wrong :eek:
The strangest thing is that I haven't even planned the wedding yet! But I know who won't be invited after this LMAO! :rolleyes:

TPBM thinks I talk too much >_> :eek:
omg i love fresh pineapple! omnomnom

tpbm is loving the sunshine today

I wish....we had nothing but clouds and rain today :(
TPBM likes the colour purple
Love the colour purple!

TPBM is having a lazy day today!
Lol how did you know literally gone from bed to settee and back again!

TPBM looks fantastic!
No :( haven't had anything yet!

TPBM likes to read!
I love to read
TPBM Is excited about the new Harry Potter