The Really Funny Pictures Thread!

So make sure you warm up properly, laydees before the vodka frenzy commences.....

I'm tempted to start a caption competition, but I maybe drifting off the point and in to my own world again. Thing is Issy, looks like you also live in that world too :D naked cock.jpeg

Could you do me a huge favour? I've been trying for the past few days to get back onto DH but am having no luck.

Anyway, I haven't seen Boobyjood on here either, she's posted on my thread wondering where I am, but I can't reply (something's wrong somewhere!!:mad: :mad: )

Can you let her know I've been reading her thread and that DH are supposed to be sorting my probs out and that I've been hanging around Mini's website in the hope of catching her here?

As soon as I'm able to get onto Dh I'll post on her thread to let her know.

Thanks Issy! Mwah mwah mwah!!!

all done, doll - but it looks like she's not around at the mo - think she's got guests or something..... but have done a FAO Booby thread and posted on her scenic route thread too for you.

Thanks anyway Isobel, maybe she'll see it on her thread. I think her friend Fi is up here to look after the boys when her and Rohan go away.

She's bound to see your message at some point so thanks soooo much anyway!:)

Mrs Depp said:
Hehe! Why thank you kahndly Cap'n Jack! (in a southern belle sort of accent!)

There's only 1 Jack unfortunately!! Maybe I should try and bag meself a lookielikey?!;) ;)


Some say I could have doubled for Johnny Depp. Unfortunately it was while in the Willy Wonka role :eek: :eek: