the scales moved the scales moved the scales moved!!!


Silver Member
15st 3lbs!
3lbs off.
so happy I could cry :D
I am back in the game, and soooooo glad I didnt binge last night and managed to hold back at a cereal bowl of salad.

helped me poop so maybe that was a factor! I'll get some fibre today I think, are there any we arent allowed?
Well done, glad to hear the scales are moving again :) Makes it all worthwhile huh?

As for fibre - do you mean supplements? If so, from my LL days the only ones that were recommended were Psyllium Husks... other things like Fibresure apparently contained things that can affect ketosis, but who knows. I never bothered - just suffered in silence with the, errr, rocks. Lol. TMI!? Hahaha.

A x
yeah well done! I take sennakot (spelling) on a sunday night before weigh in lol! I used this during my time on CD worked well, very natural
thanks, will invest I think!
I think the amount I sweated out last night might have helped aswel haha
YAY! so glad they have moved
thanks kirsty, me too I was about to go feral!
Oh I'm so happy to read this - made up that they've finally moved for you.

Good on you for not giving in - look forward to hearing you've hit the 14's :)
How often do you weigh yourself Rachael?

once a week on a weds is when I record my weight, but I like to have a cheeky check mid week. I know I shouldnt but such is life, lesson learnt :)