The Sliminators - Team 5

Hey Alozie u look amazing hun. You've done soooo well. I cannot wait to wait a dress!!!
Ok my lovelies, Im starting 2mrw. Ive managed to find a new cdc whos about 3 tube stops away and about 5 mins drive from me, whos cheaper than my old cdc who was charging £60 a week for 4 packs!!!
Anyhooo the other new cdc whos a stunning lady, just lives too far for me. Shes about 45mins away so I thought Id go with someone closer.
Anyhooo my colds started to get better, I PROMISEEEEE that I will start tomorrow, I ended up having some Lemsip Max about half hour ago cause my headache and runny nose was unbearable. I was fine this morning but seems like it just got worse through the day!!
Anyway Im seeing my new cdc in Friday at 10.30am, so my weigh ins will be on a Fridays. I have about 12 packs so Ill be fine till Friday.
How is everyone anyhooo?xxx
Sounds like you've got'a plan! :D

..I'm knee deep in work for current job, applications for next job, assignments for current course, and planning for next course!! with a BIG deadline tomorrow and not wanting a late night!! ...

..soooo... as you can imagine, I've never been more chill'd :p

I'll be back later when I'm next wanting to run to the hills!! :D

What are you studying Enough? I'm doing an OU degree and just thrown an assignment in today. Got 2 to do for another course now within 2 weeks! I hate studying yet I can't help myself signing up to new courses all the time!!

Indian Princess, if you're still not well don't push yourself, it will be easier to get through the first week if you're feeling half healthy to start with. £60 sounds expensive! How much does the new CDC charge? I thought all were pretty similar. Mine is about £36 or 3 sachets.

I just found out today that when you reach BMI 25 you can't do SS anymore which means I can only be on it another week or 2. I wanted to stay on it a little longer to try and get a bit more weight off by the summer hols :( (well ok I don't actually 'want' to do SS for longer, I'd much rather be eating delicious food, but you know what I mean!) I have my weigh in on fri and don't appear to have lost anything this week so I have some catching up to do next week. I might tie myself to the back of the London to Edinburgh National Express coach so I have to run after it....that should burn a few lbs off haha.
Aloize, congrats on the wedding, hope you had a fantastic time, help me though, I can't figure out how to see your photos, tell me how please?

Enough, well done on the 3lb loss, that's fantastic, so proud of you ;)

Well I think I'm gonna be the same as you this week MissPiggynomore, my weight is the exact same as it was last WI (Friday), and it's so disheartening. I'm fed up sticking to CD and it not showing up on the scales, what's the flaming point is making myself miserable :(

Sorry girls, just feeling sorry for myself at the moment, don't mean to get anyone else down
aaww.. downesy... that sounds miserable! I'd not want to play this game if I didn't feel I was getting somewhere with it.. and I'm sure you've gone through the usual checklist
-am I drinking enough water
-can I be walking more/being active
-is it TOTM etc etc (one of my main ones is 'has it been so many days since I last went to the loo that I've got a really heavy bowling ball to get rid of! Haha!)

you're a pro at this, so you'll know all the questions, and be doing all the right things.. last time I felt fed up, I went up a step on the programme, lost 4 pounds on a higher step, and felt fresh and ready to go back down again! guess we all have our different methods.. have you talked with your CDC about it?

Hope it gets easier soon for you.. I find this diet soo very hard when I'm not feeling good about it, and soo very easy when I am feeling good about it.. not sure when and how I go from one state to the other though.. seems to be daily for me...

Hugs :hug99:..and don't worry about posting how you feel on here.. it's what we're here for :)

Downesy.....keep strong! I keep telling myself that physiologically I am putting far less calories into my body than I'm using (your body needs about 1500-2000 per day, more if you exercise) so by sticking to CD and only putting 400-500 in each day it has to use stored fat as energy. There is 3500 cals in a pound of fat. You can work out how many cals per week you're in defecit, enough to burn a minimum of 2lbs, possibly 4 or 5 if you're active!!! You must just be storing water which you will lose, and then you'll notice the fat loss on the scales. Think of the big picture, through the month. Even if youre due on you can put up to 7lbs on in water. Bodies work in mysterious ways. Please don't let not losing anything dishearten you. Stick to it and you will see the results soon enough, there is simply no way you can't! And it's not just you, several people have weeks where they stay the same it seems, hopfully we'll both reap the rewards next week and have a great loss! Have you been for a number 2? (Not that I'm particularly interested in your bowels haha). If you've not been for a while you could lose 1-2 lbs if you go so might be worth heling things along before your weigh in if this is the case.

Hope this helps!
can you translate the GMT alike? I'm still learning all the jargon on here!! haha
Enough & MissPiggynomore, thanks both of you for your lovely words, I don't normally feel sorry for myself, just one of those days I think, and I'm sure I'll be grand again in the morning. Actually, I could do with upping my water, I've been neglecting it a bit lately, maybe that'll help. Also I haven't been to the loo for a few days....see there's always a reason isn't there, it's just when you're not in great form you don't think of these things. I'm sure tomorrow will be a much brighter day :)
ah! nothing that a glass or two of water and a visit to the loo can't sort out! :D

(Great Minds Think Alike :))

Well when you've not eaten for weeks I think you're allowed to have the odd day where you feel sorry for yourself! It's best to come on here and have a moan rather than go and grab a mars bar! We're all ears!!

I got weighed again this morning, naughty, but I seem to have lost half a pound so hoping with a trip to the loo I should have a 1.5 - 2lb loss at WI tomorrow! I really hope so anyway. I had my cup of senna tea yesterday and will go for the suppository tonight if nothing is happening in that department to make sure any excess weight is gone before WI!!!! If you don't manage to go it might be worth doing that before your WI tomorrow, if you can get a pound or 2 off it will help you stay motivated. Plus if you're 'bunged up' you can start to feel crappy (excuse the pun!! haha). It's full of toxins so definately better off out than in! Although bear in mind I think it's quite normal to only go once or twice a week on this diet so don't be forcing things to happen unless you need to.

Hope you're feeling better today :)
Well I'm a happy bunny today! I didn't have much of a weight loss on my scales this week so was really worried about WI today. My body has been doing crazy things this week (1st TOTM in 4 years!!) so this wont have helped, but I had a nice suprise by losing 2.6lbs when I got on my CDC's scales. I wasn't expecting more than a pound, so I'm feeling a little more motivaed now and hopefully can hit the stone mark by next week...yay!

Hope everyone else is doing good. I think Indian Princess your weigh in was the same time as mine this morning so looking forward to hearin how you get on.......
well done you! and welcome back to your totm! - i havent had one for at least 3yrs but think i have to lose at least 2 more stone before that ah pcos fun!
Welcome back?!'s no joy trust me, not something I've missed! haha. I've got the merina coil which stops mine, it's not due for replacement til next year....seems a bit odd that 3 weeks after starting CD my body decides to get all hormonal on me!!! I often wonder if that was part of my weigh gain....or whether it's just coz I'm a pig and eat too much :) periods came back after I started CD too :) they're been four-weekly, and I can understand why it's hard to believe if you get horrible ones, but for me, like you gilly, having pcos has meant that I absolutely love my TOTM.. even calling it that and it being monthly feels amazing, given that I can go several years without.. or, at least WAS going years without before I started loosing weight :D My OH has never seen anyone so genuinely over the moon when they come on, but for me it feels healthy.. normal.. a relief! ..does sound funny though for people who dread those times...

right! i'm off out to meet up with guys who've not seen me in 6 months :D can't wait! see you later! :)

I used to have really heavy ones and used to be scared to leave the house some days incase I left a trail behind me resembling a slaughter house escapee!!! It's been great having 4 years of freedom!! It's wierd how I've come on all of a sudden, I've even had the sore boobs all week and was wondering why... not sure what this diet is doing to my hormones! I do get worried that it's not healthy to stop the body functioning properly all this time so will have the coil out at some point and give my body a break. I can see how if your body doesn't always function properly it's a relief to see it working properly for once. I'm sure the novalty will soon wear off though! haha

Have fun tonight :)
Hi girls, wow I have pcos too, just another thing we have in common :) My TOTM was always all over the place, but it started to regulate last year, another benefit of losing weight as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, thanks for all the kind words after my little tantrum the other day. I got weighed today and I lost.....3lbs, so happy with that. I really got myself so wound up about not losing anything, so losing three is a godsend :)
Hope you're all doing well, I just had a psyllium husk butterscotch shake and it was fab, don't know how I ever did without the husks before, have any of you tried them?
do you mean the husk to keep you regular, or does it change the consistancy of the shake or something?

Glad you lost 3 lbs, I lost too...after all that worrying we are both fine!!! :)
Yeah, meant to say that, well done on your loss, we were worrying over nothing :)
I use the husks mainly for the consistency but it does keep me regular as well which is a plus. I add it to a shake with hot water, it's similar to porridge but lovely, wasn't crazy about it at first but you just have to experiment to get it right, now I have it every day, yum!!
Morning my lovelies....very quick post as Im off to church for a holy communion....just to let you know I went for my quick weigh in etc 5 mins ago. Im the same weight, but then yesterday was my first day. Ill read over the last few posts later today. Have a wonderful day gals xxx