Morning Team,
Im Back! and i survived! Zoda well done on such an amazing loss, we have got to be top again this week. You must be so so proud of yourself, just think how long that would have taken on a regular diet??? a whole 10lb. Well done!
MsJMC i am really pleased you staying on the team and i hope the blood tests go ok tom, i recently had a fasting blood test, and had this awful sickly drink, luckly you wont need that. Keep us informed on how its going.
Now for the bad news!! I had a whole day off yesterday, as on tuesday while at shrovetide i stuck to cd like a rock but was shaking and nearly fainted at least 10 times, it was awful, my muscles ached and a could not keep up with the ball, so i ate toast for brekki, sandwich for lunch and OMG chicken fried rice 4 t, loads o carbs to keep me goin. But on the plus side, i must ov covered at least 20 miles running and climbing (not joking) so hopefully i burned it all off.
Im back on today but really really couldnt have stayed on cd, im still as motivated as ever tho, and i still feel like iv lost from all the exercise, most ppl lose around a stone on shrovetide, so fingers crossed!!
I will post a link to show you what im on about, and why i had to i do hope you forgive me, i am honestly in it for the long haul.
Lisa i would love to be in ice moose's mailing list, how do i find it? i love all the tips ppl give when they have been on cd for ages.
YouTube - Ashbourne Royal Shrovetide Football - Ash Wednesday 2008
p.s. my oh is beckham 7 red top!!!!