The start of something good!

Well dun on your loss,made up for u :)

As for the same tastes,mayb u should try other flavours again cos ur tastebuds really do change on this diet. I used to love the veg+chilli bt cant stand them nw. Would u nt consider just shakes? I couldnt do that cos i needed to 'eat' sumthin. U goin to try the bars next week?

Well dun on your loss,made up for u :)

As for the same tastes,mayb u should try other flavours again cos ur tastebuds really do change on this diet. I used to love the veg+chilli bt cant stand them nw. Would u nt consider just shakes? I couldnt do that cos i needed to 'eat' sumthin. U goin to try the bars next week?

Day 10


Today was a day where I felt I could do this forever - let's hope for more like these. I have a three-way variety for my packs (Chocolate Tetra, Leek & Potato Soup and Cranberry Bar) and I have just had some cottage cheese and mushrooms to finish it off.

Cough and sore throat battling on with me - as someone pointed out, with all this coughing at least my abs are getting a decent workout!

I have been noting the amount of food that we are exposed to that is 'white' carb based - nearly everything, even those things high in protein come with an equally huge dose of sugar to keep them company. It is quite disturbing really. Glad to have stepped out of that world for a bit, feel less stressed about making the 'right decision' at every turn (and then dealing with the guilt when I don't!).

Otherwise, all toilet based issues have settled down for the time being which is nice.

Starting to think about coping strategies for the two weeks I will be off work over Xmas/New Year; being at work is really quite useful for self-disicpline as there is only 1 time of the day that I can go and get hold of non-CD substances (lunch-break)...not being at work will widen that up to all day!

Any ideas???

Love Cx
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Day 11


Major decision time - snow being imminent and my CDC being in a very rural area do I (a) keep appointment on Sunday (with risk of not being able to get there) or (b) change appointment to Saturday (with the risk of driving in falling snow and maybe getting stuck in the middle of nowhere) or (c) change the appointment for Friday after work or Monday after work (on the premise that I will either beat the snow or the roads will have freed up a little)??? Voting starts now!!!

Today was the second day when I have felt that I could manage either SS or SS+; if these thoughts continue I may give it a try in the new year.

I have decided that plain cottage cheese is actually quite nice once the sugar-craving taste-buds have calmed down.

Still a bit apprehensive about this weeks weigh in with the surprise period et al.

Love Cx
Day 12


More snow has arrived here in Shropshire - which gets a big YEAH from me as I love snow, but then a BOOOOO as it may stop me getting to my CDC on Sunday. Hopefully the grit will be spread and the main roads will flow freely until I have my stash of CD stuff safely home.

Today was OK; work was really doing my head in. I had to listen to a senior manager go on and on and on about utter rubbish as he wondered around the office talking at people. I am trying not to let myself care too much about stuff like this at the moment (I love my profession, just not the people I work with) as it winds me up and I get so stressed I have massive migraine attacks etc. Happily, I just got on with my soup and bar and ignored the mince pies etc that appear to be breeding in the office.

Went to see my OH this evening, he was very down and it was hard not to feel bad about feeling good - I did fight this feeling as I told myself its OK for me to be happy and feel good about the CD plan etc. Just because he is in a mood, doesn't mean I have to be as well!

Still considering the SS+ option - I love tea, so really struggled to have just black tea when I did SS way back when...and if I need a meal then I can either swap the milk for the 200 Kcal meal or pop up to 810 as and when...I will keep it simmering away in my mind and see how I feel on Sunday.

Right, off to read everyone else's diaries and posts now

Hasta manana

Clair xxx
Day 13


Today I have mostly been sitting in bed watching the beautiful snow falling and turning everything a very bright white in the cul-de-sac.

I have only had 2 packs today and dinner as I left all the rest in the car and I am too lazy to get dressed and go out just to get my bag.

Fingers crossed that I can get to my CDC tomorrow through the snow, so far it's looking good.

My mouth feels like a small metallic animal has found its way in and died - fun fun fun (at least it means I should be burning fat big stylee)!

Strictly final tonight so will be watching that to distract me from the mince pies in the kitchen!

Love Cx
Before Photos

Here are my before photos - taken at work in the ladies (oh the glamour!). I haven't ever done this before - so I hope sharing them will encourage my commitment to the CD plan!




The most shocking thing for me is how much bigger I am in reality compared to my self-image in my head - this would explain why I think I can get through gaps in car parks and then find I can't without taking a wing mirror with me.

Love Cx
Day 14 - Weigh In

Hello Minimins!!!

I lost another, yes, another 7 lbs! That makes a whole stone of lardy fatness has gone in 2 weeks! I am very happy and proud and slightly over-excited about it!

I am really pleased, I was thinking around the 4lb mark - what with the strange hormonal goings-on and all, but when she told me I couldn't believe it!

The journey over was OK - it was very obvious which of the two councils was maintaining its roads and which wasn't!

I have got two weeks worth of packs as it's a weekend off for xmas next week - picked up enough for a SS+ week if I feel I can do it.

Love Cx
Day 15


Today was really hard - feeling good about the loss to date, but I was worried that I may use this as an excuse to 'cheat', especially as the office was bulging with food that appeared to multiply during the day and edge its way closer to my desk. I stayed strong staring at the number 14 that I had written on a post-it note to remind me what I have lost so far.

I struggled home in the snow and have just polished of a 1 egg mushroom omelette as that is all there was in the fridge I could eat!

Secretly hoping that I am snowed in tomorrow so that I can work from home.

Off to catch up with everyone else's updates now...

Love Cx
Day 16


Back home today with a stinking migraine - just thought I would say hello before going to bed to sleep!

Had more than one moment of wanting to eat some of the work goodies - only two more days to get through before I swap working temptations for home ones!

Worried about going 2 weeks without seeing my CDC but I will keep in touch with her via text/phone when needs be.

How have you all coped when going more than a week between meetings?

Love Cx
Day 17

What about that snow people??? There was loads of it here this morning and I nearly turned around and came home...but I didn't and so was rewarded with another day of boredom at work.

Accidentally did a SS+ yesterday with being ill and all so have done another one today as all I could find edible in the fridge was 2 rashers of bacon.

My mouth is getting progressively worse - I am keeping the water up as well as brushing when I can but man, I would not like to talk to me at the moment!

Getting excited about having 2 weeks off from work - lots of sleep and DVD watching heading my way!

Oh, bizarrely I forgot to take my bars with me to work, so I had to wait an extra hour until I trekked to the car and could eat them on the way home (1/2 cranberry and 1/2 caramel as recommended by CDC). Not sure if it was the stinky mouth, or the fact the cranberry was as solid as the ice on the windscreen but it tasted passable...weird.

Love Cx
Day 18


Scary snow today! Traction Control was flashing on and off so much the inside of my car was more like a disco!

Last day at work today which was nice! Maintained my composure around the buffet etc and stuck to plan.

Am really worrying now as I haven't been seriously tempted yet; it happened within the first week when I did CD / LL years ago!

Did SS+ again today, partly as I couldn't be bothered to cook anything and partly as there is nothing available to cook!

Has anyone else found themselves waiting to be tempted? If so, how did you deal with it?

Love Cx
Day 19

Hello All

It's nearly Xmas people!!! Very excited ClairBear!

The major thing apart from all the Xmas happiness is the food temptation...I am already quite stressed about it and staying in my bedroom away from the kitchen. I was at OH house today and his family's fridge is bursting - I am going round in the evening so hopefully most of it will have been eaten to lessen the stress.

Hope everyone has a nice Xmas whether staying on the plan or having a break!

Love Cx
Day 20

Hello and Merry Xmas Minimins!

I have just eaten my xmas meal - meat and more more with a couple of sprouts, a stuffing ball and a yorkshire pudding. YUM.

Really stuffed now and hoping that I have some control to get through the rest of the day without eating everything that moves!

Have a good one!

Love Cx
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Day 21


Only managed one shake and my meal today - woke up and stayed in bed watching TV until gone the water down and avoided the seas of temptation around me - apart from a sneaky sausage...

Going to focus on having the 3 packs tomorrow and getting up at a more civil time.

I am tiring of the dead-animal mouth...there's only so much that brushing teeth and water can deal with.

Off to catch up on you all now...

Love Cx
Day 22

Hello me again...

Did two shakes and a meal today...just not waking up early enough to get the three in; I know that I need to so I will set the alarm for the morning.

Really not feeling good with the dead-animal mouth; sometimes it makes me feel quite nauseous. How have you all dealt with it?

Feel like I have eaten so much these past few days...weird how perception changes on this diet.

Love Cx
Hiya, I've just had a quick read through your diary, well done on your stone loss in 2 weeks!! I also struggle with the constant death breath, some days are worse than others, I find more water helps but there is only so much you can drink!!xx