So my weight is not going down too well. Its going up and down and up and down. Gone from having 12lb to loose up to 1st2lb to loose because I keep cheating.
I spoke to my consultant, she said that having so many issues on step one, and having so little left to loose it would be fine to move straight to step three.
doing way better on step three, I have slipped up, but nowhere near as much. I've just had enough now, its going out with friends and not being able to eat anything.
I went to the local shopping mall with my other half today. There was literally nothing low in carbs at all. All of the food was based on carbs.
I should have asked for a salad, but I hate paying the same price for less food. I like to get my monies worth since money is an issue just now.
So in a few weeks time stress levels will go though the roof as I start 4th and last year of my degree. We have a planed night out for the 10th of september. I plan till be good till then.
Because I ate out today, I'm having no food, just three products. So its like a step one day, only with lemon chicken and noodles

I cleaned the fish tank instead of going to the gym.
Now I'm going to have a long bath with a book and start again tomorrow. New day, will wake up and will do this!!! boya!!