The start to my 7 stone loss!!

Well eating what i want, been ill having tin soups & bread plus a night on the town has hit me.. gained 6.5lb :rolleyes:
Had 100% day today though, back on track.. Got 2 weeks left before surgery an no weigh in for about a month :/ just hope been immobile wont mess with my weight too much!

Breakfast - Banana
Dinner - 2 sausages (2) bacon, mushroom, tomatoes, 2 bread (heB) tbsp sauce (1)
Tea - Diet coke chicken, onion, pepper, carrots, rice.
Snack - 2 ryvitas(3), 4 blue cheese triangles (heA) Hot choc (2) HIFI mint (6)
Total Syns: 14.

good day!
Hi Jess - You have had a good day chick. That 6.5 will be off in the next 2 weeks and dont worry about a gain when your immobile, it cant be helped and your health comes first. If you do your batch cooking that will help you out a lot, I dont think it will as bad as you think x
Thank you. Yeah things been up an down lately. Gained about a stone back now :( but like you said comes first. Il get back on track an loose it! That's why put my.6st at 1st June (Jacobs 2nd birthday) as knew going to be lots ups an downs at the moment. .
Cooked few bits this week.. Did korma an tikka curry tonight. Got spag bol an chili con carne done. Tomorrow beef tagallue(Sp?) an think beef bourgionion(Sp again? Im terrible lol)
Atleast not only one lol..

Today 100% again :) love been back on track!!
Huge pot of penne with rich pork and tomato ragu. 2 lots of meals for us, cooling ready to freeze,.

Chicken Lemon and garlic casserole with creamy mash and swede/carrot. Had for tea!

Also made scotch eggs to freeze

100% day again.
Banana, Fry up, Chicken lemon and garlic casserole. Supper: cheese & crackers (heA+B)
14.5syns again.

Cannot wait till Tuesday!!
Hi hunnie - your food looks fab, and you have had a great day x

Cheers :) had a raster of the pasta one and was really nice!

Went to the deep today, made a mini salad to take an have with jacket potato there. No butter either!
Fry up for tea with butchers sausages; black pepper and a chives one. very nice!

half a syn 'cake' for dessert.. strawberries inside


day finished off with Hifi bar, alpen light and daim bar :) yum
How did you make your cake Jess please

4 eggs, Tub quark, 1tsp baking powder, 5tbsp sweetener, 1tsp almond essence or vanilla.
split eggs, put half quark an rest ingredients with the yokes and mix. Mix egg white till there stiff. Add/whisk half the yoke mixture with whites then fold the rest in.
cook in oven for 18-20mins 180'c. 0.5syn for the lot (baking powder)
Other half quark add about 3-4tbsp sweetener depending on your taste. Slice strawberries an anything else you wish to add.
Take out an let cool, then add quark + fruit you choose, and role it up!

I sprinkle sweetener on top when done, an add strawberry yogurt to 'dip' in.
Chicken rice. Stir fry. Spring rolls an texan bbq chicken pieces(3syns)

been good ALL week and lost 8lb :D
Excellent loss Jess thats fab well done. Just posted on your timeline thread lol I thought you had had your surgery already sorry.

What date is it?
Excellent loss Jess thats fab well done. Just posted on your timeline thread lol I thought you had had your surgery already sorry.

What date is it?

Thanks :)

No its next week!! Go in on Thurs evening & will be done first thing Friday. Getting quite nervous now... x

Fish & chips. Mushy peas an curry sauce.
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You will be fine hun it will all go well. Ill catch you before then anyway. Your fish and chips look great nom nom x
Well yesterday was day #1

B- Banana
D- 2 Sausages, (2) Bacon, Egg, Beans, 2 toast(heB) tbsp butter (1.5) tbsp brown sauce (1) mushrooms. - 4.5syns
T- Jacket potato. Cheese (heA) beans.
Snacks - Quavers (4.5syns)

B- Weetabix, Banana
D- 2 Sausages, (2) Bacon, Egg, Beans, Tin tomatoes, tbsp brown sauce (1) mushrooms. - 3syns
T- Fanta chicken. First time will of had this, Seemed watery when cooked/froze so hope it thickens up!
day #3
B - Banana
D - Curry pot noodle (5.5) grapes.
T - Cottage pie, cheese(heA) lots of..cauliflower, broccoli, carrots,
S - 2 alpen lights(heB) pot noodle (5)

day #4
B - Missed today :/
D - Noodles, grapes, yogurt
T - Salmon in dill & herb bag (0.5) boiled potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peas, mini sweetcorn.
S - 2 greek yogurts (1)
Will have some cheese on toast a little later

I know im not eating my ATM but just not got as big as an appetite as i did before surgery, must be the medication im on.

I did weight myself on Tues, and its saying ive gained 1st 6lb :sigh: but im ignoring, sticking to plan and will take my real weight serious when i go back to class and it 'official' in my SW book.. Still going to weigh Tuesdays at home though :)
Jess its brill your sticking to plan whilst immobile - lots would cave in and gorge on bad stuff so well done hun.
Thank you, I feel great to be in control of what im eating since i cant with whats going on with my leg..

Become really hungry an easily fancy a big pizza to share with Rob whilst watch movie together but nope hes gone an put some rice pudding on boil for me instead so im been good. Ive no excuse for any slip ups until 5th April (our 5th year wedding anniverary!) but even then i cant get out anywhere so will have nice SW meal with maybe some choc icecream (syned) afterwards. Next isnt until 4th May at a friends kids 2nd birthday which is over 2 hour drive so il eat good of whats there..