The story of happyhealthy's expedition to maintain!

No but that really is all it is, he's way out of my league haha Ok well I'm going to post a pic but if he ever finds out he'll think I'm an utter freak so I'm blaming you all for coercing me to do it!! Not the best pic to be honest, he walked through my department to get to one of the meeting rooms wearing this a couple of weeks ago and I think I actually drooled haha


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I wholeheartedly agree, he is rather delicious. Well done Caroline, keep working your magic, and who knows?

Shall I buy a hat?????? ;):D
Couldn't of said it better myself! :D GET HIM UP CAROLINE!! We need to see if he's good enough :D I'll whip up a picture of Mr. Happyhealthy so we can be scrutinized together lol !

Yes please, I am very intrigued to see what Mr. Happyhealthy looks like!! ;)

Yay, this is fun!! :D
He is definitely a good ginger specimen, of which I am generally quite fond! haha Nope, no hat. Honestly ladies, this will never go past a bit of flirty text messaging, I don't have the balls for that haha
He is gorrgggoooooooousssssssssssssss! I'd be drooling too! Definitely well and truly ticks the 'ginger enough' box on my hot list!! Woo wooo :D :D :D I get so excited about things like this!! :talk017:

And if you don't want him to see it (not that he would) go here: and you can delete the above pic now that we've had a gander :D
Oooh he looks like a nice boy!!! I'd be happy if my DD brought him home! In about 30000 yrs obviously!! She isn't dating till mr Lego is too old to wield the cricket bat in the hall cupboard :) Marry him IMMEDIATLY ;)

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With all this chat , I think I'm going to rename my diary "The story of happyhealthy's expedition to get Caroline a bit of ginger" :D
Haha LOVE the new diary title!! He certainly is a bit of hot stuff and does seem like he's got the personality to go with it too. The great thing is, I can be like I'm tired/in pain/bored/fed up of work/school/home/whatever, send me a pic to cheer me up and he will haha
Haha LOVE the new diary title!! He certainly is a bit of hot stuff and does seem like he's got the personality to go with it too. The great thing is, I can be like I'm tired/in pain/bored/fed up of work/school/home/whatever, send me a pic to cheer me up and he will haha

I'm sorry, but this is definitely seeming like I little more than a friendship!! Infact, what's that I can hear? is that... WEDDING BELLS? only kiddng :D If hes doing that then he's defo into you. You might not see it yourself but as an experienced outsider, it's completely obvious!! LOL a side story, a guy from my work once sent a picture of his non-dinner version of meat and two side vegetables to his girlfriend who was called Lisa, though he accidentally sent it to me whose name was under Lisa's in his phonebook. Awkward wasn't the word!!
Good luck Caroline he looks goood! I should try to get a photo of hubby when he was young, he had so much ginger hair it looked like an Afro. Lol!
Hahahahaha oh my god that's hilarious!! I've actually had that happen before too and it's like err thanks but I didn't wanna see that you knows! Well I guess it is a little more than friendship, there's definite flirting and banter that goes on but that's all it'll be, won't be going any further! Though there was one point at work we were emailing and I realised just how dodgy the conversation sounded, was completely normal but if anyone had read it would have sounded so wrong! Which considering we were on work email and they could be monitored could have been interesting! haha

Doooo it Fiona, I wanna see! And Lucy, aren't we meant to be having apic of Mr HappyHealthy too?!
Caroline..Veeeeery nice :D

Happyhealthy.. Come on lets have a photo :)
Love the new diary title Lucy. I think it's only right that everyone change their diary titles, seein as mine is now Squeezyweezy's sex life!!! :D
Squeezyweezy said:
Love the new diary title Lucy. I think it's only right that everyone change their diary titles, seein as mine is now Squeezyweezy's sex life!!! :D

Really? I'll have to take a look at that one then! Lol.
I want to change mine but I'd have to fight the kids for the PC. So that will happen sometime next yr. Hubby has password protected his PC to keep me off it :) I kept changing his backgrounds to pink to annoy him. lord knows what the password is as I can't crack it!!!

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What's his favourite book, film,song??? Worth a try if you haven't already :D
Really? I'll have to take a look at that one then! Lol.

Caroline read it wrong when she loaded it onto her phone. I nearly died laughing when she said! Trust me, it would be extremley boring!!!! LOL :D
Wow, he is rather yummy caroline!