Luuuuuucy I'm here!! I've finally caught up! I think everyone's pretty much said everything re: the boy so all I'm going to say is, talk to him. For all you know he's thinking the same thing. 70 miles isn't REALLY that far like Tina said, it wouldn't be the end of the world and it's doable. I just think that obviously, if you carry things on, you'll both have to accept that the nature of his course means that you can't see each other every weekend or maybe even every other weekend, but doesn't mean that you can't stay together, see each other when you can and that it can't work out. I know people who have done it so I know it's possible! And good luck with the exams, though I know you don't really need it Miss Brainbox!!
Well I'm not too far off Mr Fionat29. For some reason, I've just started to think of Fiona as in Princess Fiona and Mr Fiona as in Shrek, so I shall from now on call him Shrek and hope no offence is taken! haha I'm almost 25 and I've not really had a proper relationship at all. I've kinda seen a few guys, probably slept with more guys than I should have (though can I point out here I'm not a slut, it's not a new guy every week whose name I can't remember, I can name them all!!) but not ever really been official with anyone. There's been a few times I've come kinda close. Most people who ever showed an interest in me when I was younger I just pretty much ignored thinking they were taking the p*** or something. Even now when someone shows an interest, I don't much believe it or don't expect it to last long. There haven't really been that many people who have been really interested in me, but the few that have I guess I've pretty much pushed away, though not all. Some, like top tosser and another guy last year, I was all for going ahead with and it didn't really end due to my decision. So yeah, I'll probably be a Shrek and still have no proper relationship when I'm 32 at this rate!!
Yay! You're here! Aw Caroline, I know how you feel. When I was 11, I always thought I was way behind on the boy front. Everyone else told me they'd had thier first kiss, thier first boyfriend and I felt like a fruit since I didn't even have any super close guy friends. Of course I know know that the people who told me that they were at the park every night kissing boys were making it up, but at the time little 11 year old me felt that I must undesirable and 'too ugly' for a boyfriend if all my friends were getting so much action and I wasn't even getting a look sideways, even though I tried my hardest to be kind to everyone.
When I was 11 we had a leaving disco at my primary school. A boy in my class asked me if I would want to go with him. I was beyond delighted - a boy!! Interested in me!! I got my self looking lovely for him. Spend the whole day getting my hair perfect and spent all my pocket money on silly little things like glittery nail varnish and sparkly things in my hair. My dad drove me to the disco. I remember he was fussing about me wearing too much makeup even though I only had a little bit of glitter on my checks, but in the end he told me I was beautiful, gave me a bear hug and told me to have a good time and that he loved me lots. I felt on top of the world.
I got into my school hall were the disco was taking place and I seen Martin, the guy who had asked me to the dance. I walked up to him with the biggest smile on my face ever, but before I got there he started laughing. He then shouted infront of everyone (the music hadn't started yet) "Do you think I'd go out with a big whale like you? I was JOKING. It was a BET to ask you out. Omg you're pathetic" and his friends were bent over killing themselves laughing... infront of my whole class. :cry: I ran back outside, but my dad was gone and I sat down on the grass and cried my little heart out with humiliation and rejection. The pain was raw.
For the next few years, probably right through until I was about 17, I was very wary of people telling me that they liked me. I think that incident scarred me more than I thought. I always thought that there was a possibility that it could of been another 'joke'. Even to this day I feel I need re-assurance from everyone that the person actually does like me and isn't just liking me for another reason.
It's sad but these incidents shape who you are.
However, since I've lost all my weight I can't tell you how different things are. I'm not saying that I'm wonderfully gorgeous and I'm all that, but now I'm slowly, but surly starting to see that I'm confident enough to go for better boys, like boys I've of previously thought were wayyy out of my league. Like last night in the bar before the clubs a guy came up to me and asked me if he could buy me a drink, I said "No offence, but no thank you. I'm kinda seeing someone and I don't want to disrespect them" and he replied "Oh well, it was too good to be true, you're out of my league anyway" and the funny thing is I think he genuinely thought that I was out of his league!! ME!! out of someones league? NO chance! But now I'm starting to think "maybe I am good enough for these 'better' guys". Honestly, the confidence from weight loss does wonders. It's sad that that's the society we live in but the smaller you are, the better life will be to you. A HORRIBLE HORRIBLE ethos, but sadly as I've now lived on both sides of the coin I can tell you it's 100% true.
You'll have boys AND girls falling over themselves for you. I've went from having nobody for years to actually having a choice between some AMAZING people who I previously wouldn't of even entertained the thought of going out with. And it's not because I'm wonderful or stunning or anything, I *think* that's just how society treats slim people. Life changing indeed.
When I was bigger I used to say that I had high confidence, but now I look back and I realise I never did. And when I lost weight my confidence grew tendfold. Not only my confidence in others but my confidence in myself.
I don't need the memory of what happened to me when I was 11 to haunt me. I am my own person. I have the confidence to allow myself to take chances with relationships now and if I get hurt then that's ok. It doesn't mean I'm a bad person or a fruit for trusting someone. I have the confidence in myself to know it's just life. And I'd be very surprised if you don't have the same transformation too