I've just read through this entire thread, and honestly I can't believe the audacity of people! Grrr...almost feel like flinging my kettlebell at them!
Someone mentioned getting shouted out on the metro, similar thing happened to me when I was on my way back from uni on the tube. All my friends had gotten off at their stops, leaving me sitting on my own for the rest of the journey and reading a book. Unfortunately I wasn't alone for long as these absolute w**kers saw me and decided to come and sit all around me and shout abuse "hi fatty! how much do you weigh??" then they proceeded to rap about my "chubby limbs". :cry: I couldn't actually believe they went to the effort of making up a rap. It was mortifying. I just sat there in shock and wanting the Earth to just swallow me up.

There were other people around in the carriage and I was just so embarrassed. I was terrified about having to get up and walk through them when my stop came. I was hoping their stop would be before mine..of course it wasn't and I ended up missing my stop - they got off the stop I was supposed to get off but I didn't want to get off with them incase they followed me or something. Normally I would have given as good as I had got but I was just one girl against 4 males, and they looked really dodgy so thought it wasn't worth getting hurt over.
Someone else on here mentioned getting shouted at in the street? Also happened to me, was walking along the street with my cousin, turned a corner and see a group of lads walking on the opposite side and suddenly hear "YOU'RE FAT!!!" followed by "NOW WE KNOW WHO ATE ALL THE PIES!!! HAHAHAHAHA". :cry: I mean, I know I'm fat, you obviously know, everyone else can see, so who the f**k are you telling?
When I was about 11 years old, this drunk guy on the bus looked at me after mumbling some other rubbish and said in full hearing of everyone around me "...and you, you're supposed to eat to live not live to eat". Hey genius, I could say the same thing about your drinking habits.
I bumped into a "friend" that I hadn't seen in a while and this is what he said "hi..oh you're looking fat". Gee thanks. Moron.
I was in a bar with a friend, this guy comes up to us and starts chatting up my friend, then turns to me and says "I don't find fat people attractive". Well I hate to break it to you, but I don't find shallow, obnoxious, greasy-haired men attractive either.
Another thing that annoys me is whenever I'm seen eating "healthy" foods people would just automatically assume I'm on a diet. "Oh are you on a diet? You're not? Then why are you eating that apple?" Err, maybe because I like it? As if it's a shock to see anything but McDonalds and chocolate pass a fat purposes lips. Suffice to say I wasn't on a diet at that point.
Another gripe is how everyone has an opinion on what you're eating..or at least what they think you're eating. I was shopping in a supermarket with a friend of mine, she had just gotten a McDonalds meal to takeaway and left it in my basket. Long story short, we forgot it was there and went to pay, the woman at the checkout took one look at me and one look at my thin friend, assumed the McDonalds was mine and thought it was perfectly acceptable to lean over and tell me I shouldn't be eating that. It wasn't even mine!! She then proceeded to give me diet tips.
I have so many more stories like this, its no wonder my self-esteem is in tatters.

Oh well, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?