Silver Member
I'm so proud of all you've achieved Jen. It's truly inspirational. Speaking of the mental battle to come, I see my GP tomorrow and I'm going to ask for counselling to work out some of these issues .... The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result: it's time to go left field on my food issues!
Going up a step for the final few pounds sounds about right. What does your CWPC say? I suppose it is time to find an exercise routine that works for you for your future health. Have you looked into Curves? It's a 30 minute program (excluding warm up and cool down) with 10 machines used for 3 minutes each. I loved it way back when and I can't usually stand the gym.
I'm so glad you found The Dress
and what a touch it was waiting for you at the start of the shopping trip! You've worked so hard you deserve to look fabulous 
I hope you have a lovely 100% Sunday love, and here's to a brilliant stepped up week ahead xx
Going up a step for the final few pounds sounds about right. What does your CWPC say? I suppose it is time to find an exercise routine that works for you for your future health. Have you looked into Curves? It's a 30 minute program (excluding warm up and cool down) with 10 machines used for 3 minutes each. I loved it way back when and I can't usually stand the gym.
I'm so glad you found The Dress
I hope you have a lovely 100% Sunday love, and here's to a brilliant stepped up week ahead xx