Little Miss Christmas
It's all f un fun fun isn't it ladies 
My period tracker app just told me I was going to be fertile over Christmas.
And it winked at me. :8855::8855::8855::8855::8855:
Haha. That's great. Mine has told me I will be on over Christmas and it doesn't wink. Which one do you use? Mine is okay (I tried a few) but doesn't wink.
Aaaaaaarrrgghhh eating everything!!! I've just gone back down stairs to raid the fridge!
Sent from my GT-I9195 using mobile app
LOL, just spotted this thread. My periods went AWOL for a while (I thought because of my age - I'll be 45 soon) but have returned with a vengeance for the last few months. Feels like being a teenager again - arrgghh! Think period is pending - boobs feel like melons and they hurt!
Think I might need to buy a lock for the fridge. Maybe a child lock would slow me down? It did when my DS (now 18) was a toddler - he could open it but I never could get the knack. :8855:
Maybe a child lock would slow me down? It did when my DS (now 18) was a toddler - he could open it but I never could get the knack. :8855:
My period tracker app just told me I was going to be fertile over Christmas.
And it winked at me. :8855::8855::8855::8855::8855: