Things that make me cringe about being fat...

Not applying for jobs because I know that, no matter how well qualified I am for them, my size will be a shock when it comes to having an interview.

Avoiding having photos taken for most of my children's lives (they are now 12 and 10), and those that I am in are so hideous I can barely look at them.
A couple from me:

1. Having darling hubby help me close the lap belt on the aeroplane as I most definitely was NOT going to ask for an extension; squeezing into the aeroplane seat and the arm rests going upwards!; balancing the table thingy as it wouldn't lay flat over my knees... in fact the whole experience of flying :(

2. Self reflection - no full length mirrors in the I have one opposite the bed ;)

3. Limited shopping to Evans :sigh:

4. as said before..."you have such a pretty face..." :kissass:

I could go on, but I won't (for now).

I'll introduce myself in another thread, by the way :D
I hate the things I worry about. I have this fear Im going to break everything!!! Never have yet I must add but I worry about breaking hairdressers chairs, beauty salon beds, restaurant seats. I even went into a coffee shop on holiday last month and said there were no seats cos they were all wee flimsy ones with metal arms round and well - I just wasnt going there lol

Hate getting out of breath

Hate how I look

Hate feeling guilty at eating something 'on the go' I always feel people will think 'God she cant even wait til she gets home'

Im sure theres more lol
going to a building with no lifts and getting to the top stair absolutely breathless/shattered or a skinny minnie coming up the stairs flying past you...:(
Can relate to a lot of these - it's comforting to know I'm not the only one !

feeling your stomach on the top of your legs when sitting down...

having to dry in the crease under your tummy after washing.....

seeing someone from your slimmer days,, cringe,,,,,,

feeling your side of the car go down when you get in.....

ordering for two at the chip shop and you just know the server is thinking it's all for you..... (I am guilty of doing this, have actually ordered two lots of meals and it has been all for me)!!...

being the fattest person on a night out.....

I could go on and on and on!!!
well just us girls remember we are all going to change these things we hate to things we love about our new bodys ! :)
We all have our reasons why we hate what we see and how we feel as a fat person but we are all the same, women/men who want to change for the better ! We will do this and be able to hold our head up high when we look in the mirror . Good luck everyone .
I can relate to most of most cringable one is definitely the photos... I have so many lovely pictures of my 2 gorgeous children but I dont show anyone because fat old me is there too and it just makes me cringe...

I worry about my weight from a health point of view, of course, but I do HATE the fact that I cant go into any shop and just pick something I like and know that I will fit into it.

I HATE the fact that the only bras I can fit into are boulder holders....

I HATE the fact that I only get pleasure out of buying handbags and shoes because I know I wont have a problem with them fitting me....

and so the list goes on...! xx
This might be a weird one .....

I used to go and give blood once a month at a hospital, but gave up when I had my children. Now I daren't go to the sessions held in local halls because I'm too scared that the folding beds might collapse. :eek:

Going to the doctor's for a blood pressure check and the nurse shouting down the hall for "THE LARGE CUFF!!!"
Going to the doctor's for a blood pressure check and the nurse shouting down the hall for "THE LARGE CUFF!!!"

Thought I was the only one that had happened to! Not nice.
hear here!


Going to the doctor's for a blood pressure check and the nurse shouting down the hall for "THE LARGE CUFF!!!"

I had that during my pregnancy. I went from a size12/14 to 19stone 42 weeks pregnant, in only a few months.... i suppose i forgot briefly what it was like to be overweight, but when big again, very quickly i realised i was being judged because of my size. Sometimes its the only thing people notice.

I look forward to being remembered for having long legs, green eyes and high cheeky bones =)
hmmm, let me see,

Not being able to eat anything in public... say icecream in the summer, because i just know people are looking at me and saying "no wonder she is soooo fat"

Accompanying a skinny friend on a shopping trip and the fact that there may as well be an alarm that bleeps "fatty alert...briiiing ... fatty alert" as you enter... the looks of disbelief you entered the store are horrid.

Having to shift my thighs when getting up to a bit of naughty stuff with my hubby ... humiliating!!!

Having the gear myself up to bend over to pick something up because its just so much effort

having so many weird pink lines and crease marks all over your body when you take your clothes off

friends saying that i have a beautiful face or a lovely personality... i dont like me the jolly fat one!!

my kids commenting that i am fat... and not even meanly as they have no idea that its an insult to me really, ive always been this way to them

I could probably add more!!! xx