Things that we're greatful for

I'm grateful for all those little things in life that make my day or week ;0)

My family,my OH,my dog,this site,it doesn't change but I'm still grateful :0)
I haven't been online much because of a bad week. I thought I hadn't got anything to be grateful for -which is so wrong.

Today, I saw a bubble float over the garden and I thought it was so pretty, it made me smile. Little things <3
LisaD said:
I haven't been online much because of a bad week. I thought I hadn't got anything to be grateful for -which is so wrong.

Today, I saw a bubble float over the garden and I thought it was so pretty, it made me smile. Little things <3

Little things indeed! I hope you have a better week this week :0)
Awh thats really sweet - see things are never so bad when you put them in perspective, we just get wrapped up in our confussion and forget to see the lovely gifts we're given everyday. I'm extra super greatful today for all the lovely birthday wishes I've recieved from people I haven't heard from in a very long time and thought had forgotten me. Also very greatful for my amazing boyfriend for making everything a little bit magic!
I'm greatful for...
- the lovely warm weather I've here today and I was able to go outside to do part of my exercise!
- my caring husband
- my lovely new house! We don't even have any furniture yet, but just to have your own house with your own garden... fantastic! :)
Eli said:
I'm greatful for...
- the lovely warm weather I've here today and I was able to go outside to do part of my exercise!
- my caring husband
- my lovely new house! We don't even have any furniture yet, but just to have your own house with your own garden... fantastic! :)

Lovely stuff :0)
What a lovely thread. It's so easy to forget our blessings in this life. Some of mine:

1. I am so fortunate to have a lovely warm cosy flat to call my own.
2. I am so lucky to have a gorgeous little kitty cat that loves me.
3. I am so grateful for the NHS - overstretched it may be but it gives me invaluable help with my chronic ill-health.
4. I am so lucky to have plenty of good wholesome nutritious food to eat - something we all take for granted in this country but for many hundreds of thousands of people is an impossible dream.
5. I am so lucky to have clean hot and cold running water - again in short supply for many in the rest of the world.
krupskaya said:
What a lovely thread. It's so easy to forget our blessings in this life. Some of mine:

1. I am so fortunate to have a lovely warm cosy flat to call my own.
2. I am so lucky to have a gorgeous little kitty cat that loves me.
3. I am so grateful for the NHS - overstretched it may be but it gives me invaluable help with my chronic ill-health.
4. I am so lucky to have plenty of good wholesome nutritious food to eat - something we all take for granted in this country but for many hundreds of thousands of people is an impossible dream.
5. I am so lucky to have clean hot and cold running water - again in short supply for many in the rest of the world.

Lovely stuff :0)
Funnily enough I was thinking of this thread today :0)
Am greatful to my OH and family for looking after me while I've hurt my back!
My dog who always lifts my spirits,
The lovely people on minimins who have looked out for me and help me with lovely recipes,
Thanks all :0)

My husband
My family
The fact that I have a job!
And a roof over my head, food in my belly
Also grateful for the last 2 weeks, a week on holiday, an old friends wedding & family party!
Oh & my health

Eli said:
- my lovely new house! We don't even have any furniture yet, but just to have your own house with your own garden... fantastic! :)

A garden of your own - love it, I have what I call a 'yarden' it's not big but it's brill!

I add garden/yarden to my list :)
the_last_time said:

My husband
My family
The fact that I have a job!
And a roof over my head, food in my belly
Also grateful for the last 2 weeks, a week on holiday, an old friends wedding & family party!
Oh & my health


Sounds good to me :0)
What a brilliant post. I often am soo ungrateful, and really should thank God for my blessings every day. Im sure we are all blessed with so much.

Iam grateful for -

My two small babies
My husband
My health
Having survived a lot of rubbish times in my young life
My wider family
A warm home, food (albeit too much of it!)
Opportunities, freedom.
I'm grateful for...

My parents - I have finally told them my weight and they didn't bat an eyelid. They support me every step of the way.

My boyfriend - who loves me exactly as I am, and doesn't care what I look like. I expressed concern about loose skin when I've lost quite a lot of weight and he just said I was silly... I love him.

My best friend - she is my inspiration. She has known me for 17 years, we are both 20. Not once has she ever cared what I look like! She's a waitress who (although she isn't skinny) is a size 12 and enjoys running and partying hard. My goal is to go clubbing with her in 18 months for my 22nd birthday.

My health - I'm fitter than I should be at nearly 23 stone. I'm a nail technician and I work from home. I climb two flights of stairs at least 10 times a day and I'm sure that's helped me!

My job - it's my passion, it keeps me busy and my clients love me for my personality. So many of my lovely ladies have told me that I'm beautiful and it means the world.

I'm grateful for me. That's an odd thing to say but I'm finally ready, after hating my body all my life, to take the steps to be the person I always wanted to be.