lol haha nice use of words there, and although she wasnt exactly the best looking she wasnt ugly either, but it doesn't matter last night/ very early this morning i decided to confront her and tell her everything. and i said i dont expect her to fall into my arms, but i want us to be like we were before she left, or i would find it being hard being her friend as i give a lot emotionally to my friends and i am not willing to do that for someone who see's me as a last resort, it was a 1900 word message.
and predictably i got a negative response and although she said i was important to her, she is not even gonna try to show how much because she has decided she is not gonna stress about making anyone else happy but herself, and said that shes changed and isnt as sensitive as before.
she said that i did make her happy, when he didn't but she said that i gotta understand that in love you cant be be happy ( shes been unhappy for 80% of the relationship and to me that is true of course you cant always be happy BUT to me there has to be atleast an even number of good and bad otherwise when you look back you will remember more bad than good)
and there was more but thats the general jist of things so, i dunno shes left the ball in my court, in a way of course i wanna be her friend you cant have feelings for someone one minute then the next not even wanna be their friend but i have tried for so long to make things work and gave a lot emotionally and she has said outright she is not going to try which means its all up to me again, and i am not ready for that, as i made it clear that i wanted some kind of assurance i wasnt a last resort, and if anything although she said i was important the rest of the message seemed to contradict that, and besides it has been 4 months, if she doesnt move into an apartment next summer she will go back to cyprus for summer and it will be the same but longer as i am going to america for a year, i wanna be her friend but i want to be a major part, not minor and to feel like she actually wants to be my friend, at the moment i havent got that so i have to think, as i dont want to lose her al together