Ah thats pants we can't watch it here guess we wont be watching it so
Ok, gone off the rails today, pointed up until i went to the sodding supermarket after work where i ate chocolate, peperami and haribos in the car on the way home!!
I used nearly all my weeklies yesterday as its my TOTM and i cant seem to control myself, back to feeling rubbish and a failure and worried about the Bank Holiday Weekend - rant over :sigh:
What if i weigh more at my WI? I cant face that and feel vile with period cramps x
Shall i start again tomorrow? x
Thank you Serena, how was you day lovely?
Sorry for late reply minis,sodding wifi!!
Having a much better day more in control and said NO to several items which has really spurred me on
How's everyone doing?
Much Love,