Thinking about starting Lipotrim? READ THIS!

Hi there i started lipotrim on monday and you message has really helped me thanks :D i dont feel too bad its just my tounge that feels not very nice just wondered if this will go away after a few weeks i hope so thanks again sarah;)
yes hun your tongue will get bk to normal soon i was the same for a while but fine now. good luck keep up the good work x
as regards to your headaches hun just drink plenty of water it really does work that will pass you will feel great in a few days i feel like i have had a new lease of life! woo hoo! x
Left my stupid lipotrim bag in my parents house so had none for a day last week, making today my day three only now... not too bad.... yet!
starting soon... i cant wait.

hi there to all who will actually give a crap........
i have recently become very depressed and obsesed with my weight.
i came across the lipotrim diet months ago and it has always been i the back of my mind but i have always thought what if this is the one that will help me..
i spoke to my mum who said she will support me all the way, but i have also some terrible comments from other family members like..... if you do it fast like that your gonna have loads of skin just flapping about errr its gonna be gross, well needless to say i was very upset and went home and cryed...
but to be honest i think it has made me more determind to show him i can do it ...
i have been to the chemist today and got all the information and i start on thursday, it cant come fast enough for me...
i know noone out there is gonna care how i feel about all this but it helps to get it down.....
it would be nice for just one person to actually support me and not pull me to bits or ridicule me.....
i can do this ............... i will do this for me .....
please wish me lots of luck..........:wave_cry:
:welcome: and good luck for today. You have to do what's right for you, so just ignore that unsupportive family member. I'm sure they will be eating their words soon enough!
Hi everyone,

I've been thinking about starting Lipotrim for a couple of weeks (since my friend started) and am going to start in the next few days (got to get a couple of things out of the way first).

There are so many inspirational stories on here, with some fantastic weight loss. I'm looking forward to coming back and hopefully being one of those people :)

Am dreading that first weigh-in as I haven't weighed myself in ages so that'll probably be a nasty shock. But, it's the first day of a new life I hope.

Got concerns about my motivation - but again, hoping that a good first week will help with that! (I can't believe some people have lost over a stone in 1 week!!)

See you soon
hi there to all who will actually give a crap........
i have recently become very depressed and obsesed with my weight.
i came across the lipotrim diet months ago and it has always been i the back of my mind but i have always thought what if this is the one that will help me..
i spoke to my mum who said she will support me all the way, but i have also some terrible comments from other family members like..... if you do it fast like that your gonna have loads of skin just flapping about errr its gonna be gross, well needless to say i was very upset and went home and cryed...
but to be honest i think it has made me more determind to show him i can do it ...
i have been to the chemist today and got all the information and i start on thursday, it cant come fast enough for me...
i know noone out there is gonna care how i feel about all this but it helps to get it down.....
it would be nice for just one person to actually support me and not pull me to bits or ridicule me.....
i can do this ............... i will do this for me .....
please wish me lots of luck..........:wave_cry:

You will manage to do it if i can, I start today and my motive is take each day at a time, its is much more better to be thinner and healthier and if there is extra skin then there is things that can be done now and in the future about that, things like exercise and then if the worst comes to the worst there is always surgery that ur gp would put u forward for as u have done so well to loose weight but as i say try not worry too much about that for now, the weight loss is the most important thing. trust me i am in the same boat as u so we can and will do it, hope that helps x
I am on day 4 now! Yesterday was quite difficult but I got through it and I woke up today thinking I had ate loads of biscuits but it was just a dream!! I am getting through the initial tough week by just focusing on the shake infront of me. Saying to myself, I can not eat for 2 hours and see how I feel after my shake and so far it was been okay. This is a really really tough diet! I am going to need loads of support, and I here to support anyone else who needs some.

Hi everyone, its day 6 of my lipotrim experience and I have to say that having moral support is the best thing that you can have from friends, family and colleagues. I have a friend who did Lipo and shed over 3 stone and now that I am doing the diet I have nothing but admiration for her. She is like a mentor to me and helps me when times are tough - because she believes in me and that makes me believe in myself. So White Kitty I want you to know that you have loads of support on here from us fellow lipotrimmers!!. We have the same goals and will probably face the same hardships on our diet journeys. I know some have a lot more to lose and will be on it for longer than others but they are the ones to admire the most, their will power and determination to do something to improve their lives.
People who are negative about it don't know how we feel inside and how unhappy our weight makes us, those who know you best and love you best will know this and support you. So if your ever struggling WhiteKitty then come on here, tell us whats up and hopefully we can help. It was a godsend finding this site for me. I'm also doing a blog on twitter about my dieting so that I can put down the things I'm finding hard and the things that I'm looking forward to :)

hi there to all who will actually give a crap........
i have recently become very depressed and obsesed with my weight.
i came across the lipotrim diet months ago and it has always been i the back of my mind but i have always thought what if this is the one that will help me..
i spoke to my mum who said she will support me all the way, but i have also some terrible comments from other family members like..... if you do it fast like that your gonna have loads of skin just flapping about errr its gonna be gross, well needless to say i was very upset and went home and cryed...
but to be honest i think it has made me more determind to show him i can do it ...
i have been to the chemist today and got all the information and i start on thursday, it cant come fast enough for me...
i know noone out there is gonna care how i feel about all this but it helps to get it down.....
it would be nice for just one person to actually support me and not pull me to bits or ridicule me.....
i can do this ............... i will do this for me .....
please wish me lots of luck..........:wave_cry:

Hey white kitty you go and show them all.;)
Good luck whitekitty just do what you know is best. It took me about 2 months to bring my husband round to the idea of me doing this, he was dead against it. Now he can see how hard it is and how I'm sticking to it he's being really supportive. I'd even go so far to say that he is now 'pro-lipotrim'

Everyone has their own opinions, but only us lot know how miserable it is to be overweight and what steps we need to take to sort ourselves out.

I'm brushing off any negative comments that I get at work - we shouldn't need anyone else's approval!

Good luck for Thursday, look forward to hearing how you get on

hi im starting lt 2mora n im bit worried bout the refeeding n maintnance i know its early to b asking about it as im only just starting sounds like lots ov ppl put most there weight back on because they didnt refeed propley my chemist didnt have alot 2 say about the refeed process plz help!!!!

on a brighter note carnt wait to start lt im really excited !!!!!!
Day 3 - Boy!


I started Lipotrim 3 days ago, and it's been ups and downs. I have just had my final shake and some peppermint tea and I feel lot better, but today has just been so hard. I can't stop thinking about food!

I have heard day 3 and day 4 are the worst? Will this constant obsession and craving for food stop?

I have got a lot of weight to lose, my starting weight was 18st 6lbs, but am really determined and won't give up, just want some consolation that it does get easier!


I started Lipotrim 3 days ago, and it's been ups and downs. I have just had my final shake and some peppermint tea and I feel lot better, but today has just been so hard. I can't stop thinking about food!

I have heard day 3 and day 4 are the worst? Will this constant obsession and craving for food stop?

I have got a lot of weight to lose, my starting weight was 18st 6lbs, but am really determined and won't give up, just want some consolation that it does get easier!


im in the same boat as you and im also hoping the cravings will stop. hopefully the results will make it worth it.
It is getting a bit better


At least I know someone else understands! However I managed to sit through someone else having lunch today. Just really tired and weak at the mo. Went to the pharmacy today and changed the chicken soup cos I hate it. He said once you get into ketosis it get's better. I have set up an excel spreadsheet with a conservative estimated weightloss each week til my goal and that has helped too. Good luck. I'm thinking of you xxx:)
Hi and thanks for that! I'm on day 3 and finding it hard but WILL be fine! The way I see it is food has been bad for me and the LT is the med I need to make me better!
By September I should be seeing life with a bigger smile and not a bigger tum! lol
Take care love Erica. xxx