thinking of going back on packs...

Daisy, I can relate to what you are saying.
I have "allowed" myself to creep up 7lbs.
I tell myself it's because I look less scraggy in the face - but I think I'm lying to me (something I've done so well for many many years.)
I am still wearing the same size clothes, but they feel a bit tight around the middle.
Is it to do with the colder weather? Is it because clothes are more cover up now?
I don't know. A little voice in my head keeps asking me "what can I eat now?"
Nothing too much ot too bad, just a little too much.
I'm answering my own question now -
I'll discuss it with my LLC on Monday. I think I'll go back on abstinence for 4 weeks up to Christmas.
It'll take me a few pounds under my original goal hopefully and that'll give me some lee-way for Christmas time.
I have just looked at my photos from last Christmas, skinnier and happier - that's my answer.
Good luck with your decision. Sorry for the ramble.I will NOT let this slip. It is too important. It's not failure it's taking control.:confused:
Me, too

Gosh, it is so good to read what all of you have written... especially BlondeLogic whose posts kept me coming back to read minimins whilst I was in Foundation last year. Anyway, I slowly started putting back on weight once I slacked off on the exercise... and I agree with Anders: I think it is unfair that I will have to count calories or "run like marathoner" in order to maintain my weight loss long-term, but in my case being only 5'4" and small framed and over 40 and... when my BMI is 22 (and it is nolonger), I can consume 1500 calories a day and gain weight! Sort of the way a small car uses less fuel. If only I were a Hummer! Oh, wait I was... didn't care for it.
I have gone back on packs (I know they work and work quickly) and I hope to take off most of the weight I have gained in two months -- I need to do this now or it could be so much worse in the New Year.
I wish all of you good luck and hope you do not mind if I pop in to see how you are doing -- I am sure you will all do well. the fact that you are talking about it, is a good sign.
Hi all. It's really interesting that we've all come out of the woodwork, so to speak!! Good for you for posting this Daisy - I still read but didn't post because I was thinking that it was just me and that all those people might have been right and I would just put all the weight back on, but nope, I still feel really well motivated and have had another really good day today. Not counted calories or anything, but ate sensibly and low carb (I always weigh my cereal and carbs still), and nothing that I have decided that I will not eat until I am back to goal weight has passed my lips (see how long that took for me to say 'shouldn't have eaten' in a more positive way?!!). I am going to get right back to where I want to be, whatever that might be when I get there.

It has really helped being back on here. I haven't been back to LL since probably June. I really should go, but I don't think that we have a maintenance class as such, but I think that I might ask if this is any different now that there might be more maintainers than when i finished. Does this help you all?

It's really helped me to know that I'm not alone, and it's all within my control after all (which I knew it was all along actually! ;-) )
It's not easy, is it....this maintaining business. ;)

But what I think is so remarkable, is that those of us who have had a few pounds creep up - we notice it straight away, and take positive action, be it exercise or returning to abstinance - whereas before, I bet it would have been a good 2 stone before we woudl have even THOUHGT maybe we should do smoething about it!

The feeling of super slimness we experienced after abstanance felt so wonderful - but our bods were completely depleted, so it would seem normal that we would put on a few pounds, to supplement. And we don;t like that feeling.

But, is it realisitic to stay there? I don;t know - that is what I am kind of mentally struggling wiht - do I want to have to work that hard to be that slim, or do I want to settle at a more comforatble weight from a management perspective? I never want to be a slave - working out 6 dyas a week,e tc., to it. But I feel like I miss that feeling too.

I have not been getting near enough exercise as my arthritis and fibro have been wreaking havoc on me for the past month or two, and I feel a huge difference for that. Its not huge, but it feels huge. I know if I got more active again it will sort itself out - I would like to maintain about 5r pounds less then where I am now. But I dont want to obesess about it either.

Its a tricky thing this. But we ARE getting it, and I dont believe a single one of us will return to our old selves - good god. I know I wont - that was hell on earth.

But recognising that its going to be a long haul of conscious efforts and continual work is sometimes frustrating.

I am waffling, I know, and maybe not making sense. Just getting some thoughts off my chest.

Maybe we need a RTM Challenge. THose always helped in abstinance....but as we are not REALLLLLY trying to lose as such, aside from a few pounds here an there - maybe we need some other kind of challenge and collective effort and suppport to continue to 'seal the deal'?

We are all winners and losers. :D We will never return, but we now and again need a little flame under our duffs to remind us of that!?

Who knows.

It aint easy. But it anit hard either. :)
its good to know that i'm not alone!

poppy i think the meetings are stil useful for me - not necessarily the content but just the fact i can chat to others.

a challenge would be good BL - have a think about what it could look like - its a bit more complicated than when we were just losing!

i'm looking forward to the headache later today - and i'm really hungry.... hurry up ketosis!
daisy x
daisy x
- no headache! i was really expecting a big one as i got one on day 2 last time!

forgot how often i would need the loo and was in real pain this morning driving the 45 mins to work - considered pulling over and going behind a hedge at one point!

had a pack at 10, one at 3, one at 6 and a porridge just now

looking forward to the bars on saturday...

keep your fingers crossed the headache doesn't appear tomorrow!

daisy x
Daisy, I had the worst headache ever first time - but I bet that you aren't eating anywhere near the carbs that you were before, so hence no suffering this time! Well done you! I have succumbed to a bottle of wine - why, I have no idea - I've been so good all week, resisted the chocolate, biscuits and muffins on the 'fat shelf' in work, but got home tonight and just craved wine, despite a raging headache! I took two Ibruprofen, then drank the bottle of Chardonnay - minus tea and I had a Ripple and bowl of Rice Krispies instead - what the heck!! I need to be a 'good girl'!! I wish I could afford packs for a couple of weeks.....
poppy, thats the sort of thing i was doing over the last few weeks
lost the plot and skipping meals etc
i'm hoping to use this time to refocus!

you are probably right about the headache, hadn't thought of that!

i'm looking on it as an investment money wise - and its a good opportunity to empty the freezer and cupboards rather than buy stuff, as we have loads that needs eating but i kept buying fresh each week - should save a bit of money!

daisy x
Good luck Daisy! You will get in the groove and be done before you kow it - I found my little 4 week stint much easier then the first time. I hope you will too.

As for a challenge - I have been mulling over some thoughts as to what we could do. A weigh loss challenge does not seem appropriate as it will be sparce, a little bit here and there, etc.

But I was thinking abuot something to maybe keep us on the straight and narrow - to be accountable, etc.

Maybe we could start a thread and post say 3 positive things we did towards maintenance/loss, and also maybe 1 negative thing, a confession, of something we should not have done. Focusing on the positves, 3 to 1 - but maybe just having to post at least one sin might help keep us accountable?

It could just be things like

1. said no to chocolate
2. said no to wine
3. did 20 sit ups

1. put butter on toast when I didn need to

Something like that? It can be a hit and miss post - post when you have something or feel like it??

Might just help keep us on track? And having to confess, might keep us from doing anything to cofess too!! :D

Any ideas from your end?
sounds a good idea!
i will let you start it - in maintenance or RTM?
prob best in maintence i'm thinking?
daisy x
sounds a good idea!
i will let you start it - in maintenance or RTM?
prob best in maintence i'm thinking?
daisy x

Yes, I think Maintaining too.

Funny, just putting that down as an idea today, has already made me uber aware of what I might put in my mouth today! So, powers of suggestion and the printed word can be pretty strong!

Will trhink of how to word it and will start it...might not be until tomorrow - depends on my afternoon and then i am out tonight.

But I will get on it! :)

Running on Full!

- no headache! i was really expecting a big one as i got one on day 2 last time!

forgot how often i would need the loo and was in real pain this morning driving the 45 mins to work - considered pulling over and going behind a hedge at one point!

had a pack at 10, one at 3, one at 6 and a porridge just now

looking forward to the bars on saturday...

keep your fingers crossed the headache doesn't appear tomorrow!

daisy x

Hey Daisy,

I thought the day two headache was just my job -- good to know it is the diet. I am hoping to be ketosis today; I'm glad you said something I will check that.
The getting used to going to the loo so often -- at least until your body adjusts and you can be a bit adjusted -- is probably the worst for me. When I was in Foundation, I thought I would burst when we were on our way to Heathrow to pick up our son. I had my husband let out by the loo in the carpark and told him to just park and come find me!:rotflmao:
:hmm: WOW Mini Me - you're tall!!!!

13' 8" - with a BMI of 4.9 I'm amazed you eligible for LL - lol

:hmm: WOW Mini Me - you're tall!!!!

13' 8" - with a BMI of 4.9 I'm amazed you eligible for LL - lol

Made a typo somewhere -- I am so technology challenged. I just tried to upload a photo a twice and gave up! I'll see if I can fix this faux pas! Merci Sean.
poppy - how is going with you?

i lost 6lb so pleased - the glycogen is gone!
now comes the stuff that has to stay off.

i'm thinking of aiming to get down to 8.1 then if i add on the 6lbs glyco i should be at 8.7 as an ideal weight - 8.10 will be the top of my comfort 'box' and the trigger to cut back

daisy x
Daisy - how's it going??? I haven't been on loads. I did really well the week that I came back on here - very low carb (I even got a bad headache for three days, which I swear was the carb withdrawal) and I did drop some pounds. However, got to the weekend and the wine came out again!!

I know my problem and that I need all or nothing to be really successful, so I know I need a meal replacement diet, but just can't afford LL at £66 a week coming up to Xmas, well any time really!! Was just reading on here and noticed the Exante advert at the top of the page - just went to look and for four weeks supply it only cost just under £85!!! I spend that on my lunches for four weeks almost!!

I've just bought the Xmas special offer pack and have been reading the Minimins section for Exante, and people seem to love it. Whatever they taste like, I can cope with four weeks of it to lose just over 10lbs hopefully!! Yay, I have found something that might be useable when I need it as it's affordable! I can also buy it online and don't need to go out to classes - perfect!!

Let me know what it's been like second time round for you??
Hi Poppy

Nice to see you on here xx:p
Hi my gorgeous SB!!! I need to be sensible and can do, I know that, but haven't been able to sustain it for long enough - I can do the week, but need to let my hair down a little at the weekend - problem being that I never actually get back down to what I want to be!! I need to abstain again for a short time to nip it in the bud. Now, I did say all along that I didn't want to do this, as I wanted to maintain with sensible eating/exercise, but thing I have learnt is that I am able to control my eating to a huge degree now, and do eat very differently, but definitely need to limit my wine and snack intake.

I don't need the classes at LL as I have you lot here - and hopefully on the Exante threads!!
Why are you on packs?

I know my problem and that I need all or nothing to be really successful, so I know I need a meal replacement diet

Hi PoppySparkle,

I know I am being nosy, but in your profile it reads that you are 4 pounds below goal and at a very healthy BMI. Why are you back on packs? Do you use the packs combined with a meal to maintain?
I had trouble keeping the weight off once I lost it with LL, and am now doing CD (on my own no classes). But, I am interested in "how to keep it off" info.

Thanks, MM