Thinking of lipotrim


New Member
Hi guys I'm thinking about starting lipotrim but am very nervous, I have a lot to lose (8st) :(
Ive lost nearly 10st in the past but put it back on when I lost my dad 5 years ago, been trying since but no success, don't eat that much just wrong stuff mainly, feel so low about how big I am now that I'm hoping lipotrim can bring me back to actually liking myself again, just nervous about trying it incase I can't manage and fail yet again! I need to do this now before it's too late and I'm not here for my kids :(
Hi Jan, I know how u feel i'm a yoyoer it so depressing but im doing good on Atkins at the mo (i find LT quick but hard cos I only like one flavour so I cant stick at it long enough to lose the 4 stone extra im carrying.

Gud luck just get your self in the zone

Hi Jan, to be losing the amount that you say you want to, using Lipotrim would be a very hard thing to do for that long :( I do Slimming World and you eat very well, and eat the right stuff, thats what will help you lose weight. you said it yourself you "don't eat much you just eat the wrong stuff" thats what good healthy eating plans do, they encourage you to eat the "right stuff" good luck with your journey :)
Hi Jan, I have done the lipotrim a few times now it is extremely hard as it is very limited on the products it offers i much prefer the Atkins diet with the same results and you dont feel sad all the time as you end up being on the lipotrim, the weight watchers diet is also good with a steady 1-2 lb a week but the difference is it stays off xx Im like you too need to lose 4 st and dont eat alot just all the bad stuff, dont feel you have to get all the weight of at once hun, as i do i have learnt that its not an overnight thing as i would like it to be as when i think like that i put too much pressure on myself and fail, a steady 1-2 a week is a good thing xx hope this helps