lol im dont even like fruit cake and im thinking of giving this a go! lol yum cx
Hi Jane,.subscribing if that's OK.
Well done on your weight loss. I have 9.5lbs left to go and just bounce back and forth around this weight for ages. Really wana get a move on so gona hound you for inspiration.
Glad you put up the recipe for the brack. I remember getting that years ago when I lived and went to WW in cork and never wrote it down. Yey-def gona try it.
Brona xx
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Hey Hun I'm only getting caught up there now, it's turned bitter cold brrrrrrr! You get up to anything nice today? Cx
Food looks yum. Enjoy your Walk-its cold out there.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using mobile app
Oh lovely! I've never seen chilli mayo! Where do you get it at?
Your a good one knitting! Do you do much craft? I managed to crochet a large granny square blanket lol! Started another one for Emily and six months later it's still a work in progress must actually get it out and get going again at it if this cold is to get worse![]()
Morning, I hate it when I run out if what I've planned lol!!
Just looking at your points for yesterday, you seem to manage great on your 26pp, i started at 39 and am now in 33, I dread seeing them diss appearing at wi! Lol how did you cope with them coming down cx
Did you make your Brack today or is that a job for tomorrow? X
I've been on 26 all along so I've learned to manage really well on 26. My very first week I was on 27 but I lost 2lbs that week which brought me into the next stone so I've been on 26PP since then. Snacking on fruit is great. Actually I'm not sure if it's on in the UK but WW yoghurts are half price in Tesco here at the moment. They're about EUR2.50 normally and I got 2 packs for that yesterday. I stew apple and have it with a yoghurt, the apple is 0 so it's a great little snack or dessert for 1PP.
My mam made some this morning
Didn't get a chance to log in here yesterday. I STS at WI yesterday so still 11lbs to goal. I was happy enough because I don't think I got as much exercise as I normally do and it's almost TOTM so that might have something to do with it. For my treat yesterday I did things a bit differently than I usually would. Usually I would have breakfast before WW and have my lunch when I get back and dinner as normal in the evening. Yesterday I had my dinner a bit early and got curry chips for my treat/supper. They were delicious!
Having a really good day so far. Had my porridge for breakfast and had a yoghurt after my walk. Going to have lunch in about an hour and I'll go for another walk later.
40g porridge oats (made with water) = 4PP
Splash of skimmed milk *
Frozen berries + 5 fresh strawberries = 0PP
15g honey drizzled on top = 1PP
4km walk = 2AP earned
WW vanilla yoghurt = 1PP
* Will count an extra PP for milk.
but ww yoghurt (desert type) are always £1 in iceland![]()
But u have to buy 2 for £2 ;-) x
they are in a pack of 4? lol