It was about 10 years ago when I went but remember Son bou had a lovely long beach, but it might worth looking at different places- really excited for you!
At least your brave to go to dentist- I'm too scared!
Food today looks lovely, I might have breaded cod for dinner too x
I went to menorca for my first ever holiday and Majorca about 5 times, I stayed at a lovely holiday village which was lovely for families my mum took me every year we stayed at Bougainvila in sa coma and I stayed in hotel cala'n bosch menorca. I also went to an awful hotel with paddy for our first holiday in Majorca!
Both menorca and Majorca were lovely and I have such found memories there even at the rubbish hotel I went to 7 years ago! X
i went to palma nova which was lovely and santa ponsa i think its called but i was young then so dont remember much!! x
I was 8 when I went to menorca and I still remember it so what does that say ha!
Is your heart set on menorca rather than Majorca? Palma is suppose to be lovely for families my friend went with her little boy when he was 5 months old x
just think it would be nice as been as we got amelia now so try somewhere newwas coming up cheaper than majorca as i did search palma first xx
i enjoyed my chillireally filling as well with a jkt potato
enjoy urs tonight! x
Hope your mum's hip replacement goes well! And that Amelia is ok with her immunisations. Food looks good as always xx
Hi Shez, good luck with the immuisations I hope amelia will be fine with them also hope everything goes well for your mum x