Gold Member
Yeah they are! I really need some new side plates, don't want any more bowls or mugs tho! X
i need some more plates too! x
Yeah they are! I really need some new side plates, don't want any more bowls or mugs tho! X
i need some more plates too! x
When I donated my last dinner service to the charity shop, I don't think the mugs had ever been used! X
When I donated my last dinner service to the charity shop, I don't think the mugs had ever been used! X
I HATE that all the best dinner plate sets come with mugs u don't need and they are always small mugs too!!!
heya hunni... im ok thanks just tired - how r u? xx
Cookies n Cream Kit Kats are amazing! I stocked up in Sainsburys today as they were on offer for £1 and I had a coupon and so I got two packs for free! X
i loooove white choc tho
tonight for puddin i have got a blueberry muffin! lookin forward to it haha
hey girlies - im good thanks today was finemainly because the suns shining and the day went slightly faster than yesterday! ha tonight i go to my aunties and will be havin home made chilli con carne, rice and a garlic flat bread to share
hows everyone? x
Mmmmmmmm that sounds so yummy! I loveeeeeeee garlic flat bread! X
me toooooam actually looking forward to a meal for a change ha! i enjoyed my lamb chop dinner last night tho was delish!
Sounds as though your appetite is coming back so that's good news for you and the bubbax
yup ;D its a lovely evening here, still 17! whats weather been like today? xx
Still 21 Degrees! Much more to my liking! X
yeah gonna be even warmer tmorothen the downfall - crappy rainy weekend boooooooooo