This tastes almost as good as double cream!)

I know, it's crap! Could make some really nice strawberry or raspberry ripple icecream otherwise!:cry:
Oooo, just had a thought! (My poor head). I nearly always have a bag of frozen raspberries/mixed berries in the freezer and at the bottom of the bag, especially the rasperries, are bits of broken berries. What if I hammered the frozen berries (they smash when frozen) eithe swirled them into the ice-cream like that, or let them defrost and use them like a sauce. They're not pureed, just broken into very very small pieces :D

On a more serious note, WHY do we have to syn pureed fruit? As I've mentioned on another thread, you wouldn't syn, for example, pureed butternut squash so why fruit?
I did make something very similar to this with a couple of options sachets in the ice cream maker. I could still get the slight bitter taste though. Possibly an acquired taste?

You do get used to it, especially when you have little choice :sigh: I can tell there's sweetener in just about anything that has sweetener in it because of the bitter fater taste. Surprisingly, in a nice way, I can't detect it in the scan bran cakes BUT, I can detect really badly in Tesco's light choices baked beans. It masks everything and they're simply awful.

I was going to give the 'Options' option a go but after my daughter declared that it was awful, she then drank all the sachets I had bought! :D I'll still give it a go, but later in the week.