Well, here we are at the end of week two - and I am HAPPY to have maintained! I know, while I have been doing this I have probably only been 50% on plan while I have been feeling my way around; therefore when I do give 100% (AS OF NOW) I know I will be rewarded by the evaporation of the unwanted bits of me. That statement leads me to ponder on where those bits of me will go, indeed where do all the lost bits of everybody go, because of all the weight loss in all the world there must be a fair amount of lost fat in a storage depot somewhere
. Wherever it is it must not be far away because I have been helping myself to portions for the past umpteen years!
Anyhow, I digress; todays' food:
Extra-easy day. I will break my fast with egg, tomato and toast (HEXB).
Dinner will be chicken, potato carrots and broccoli, a tiny syn of a splash of gravy. Banana and plain yoghurt.
I am babysitting my grandchildren tonight, so playing with them will be body magic as I puff and pant galloping around floor! Nibbles are cheese triangles (HEXA), apple and celery. Syns of 6 for a pack of crisps when the babies are in bed!
Catch up with you all later next week :wavey: x