The text first thing was:
I'm assuming you are off the diet now? That's fine...just can't emphasis enough the importance of doing the refeeding week accurately. if you need information get in touch. Wish you well.
To say I was a little miffed at that is an understatement. No are you is everything ok you didn't come in yesterday? Nope straight in with the being unsupportive well I take it your off diet! No I'm blooming not ...I was busy and couldn't make it over. My OH was shocked at how rude the message was.
So I decided rather than having to deal with her negative attitude towards supposidly helping me achieve my goal ...I've decided to go to another chemist and see if they are more supportive!
I called them and have arranged to go over on Wednesday as I've got the day off and can get there ....also they are open until 7pm at night so I might be able to get over after work if I'm really busy.
Rant over with ...sorry ladies had to vent as this diet is hard enough to do without people who are suppose to be offering support being narky!

x x x