This time I will do it!!...

I prefer pets to some people too! Didnt want a pet, but hubby had a conspiracy with the kids and came back with a golden labrardor a few years ago! Initially I was livid, but I wouldnt be without her now.
No plans for the weekend, cooking, cleaning shopping and taxi-ing the kids about. Missed out on a few gym/aquafit sessions this week so will be fitting in some Body Magic somewhere as well xx
Well done to OH for bringing home the puppy then :)
They do become part of the family, wouldn't be without my dogs now.

Busy weekend planned then! I haven't been to gym for a fortnight now, am going back on Monday but think the first session back will be a killer! X
Rule number 1: Never, Ever tell your husband he is right! :D
even though in this instance he is .....
Good luck at the gym! Not looking forward to my class on Monday either xx
Busy day - Mam's hospital was fine, nothing of concern. My car passed an MOT so I treated it to a wash and mini-valet at a new car wash that has opened up the road.
OH just about to take Aaron to swimming lessons and me and Freya are going to have a splash in the bath :)

Bit of a hungry day today but everything I've eaten has been on plan so am pleased with myself.
Will have dinner late tonight, but it's all prepared. Raspberries and the Hot Choc are my treats for tonight with the soaps :)

Also, my old work colleagues text today to arrange to meet up on 2nd Nov - due to other commitments, we usually only meet once or twice a year. Hoping it'll give me motivation to stick to plan as I want them to be pleasantly surprised when the see me :).

Today's food:

HExA = 40g Reduced Fat Cheddar
HExB = 2x WM Bread


Cheese (HExA) and Onion Toastie made with HExB. (3.5 syns for butter to stop the toastie sticking, only realised afterwards that I could use Frylight!)
Shape 0% Yoghurt

Stir Fry - Cabbage, Bean-sprouts, Carrot, Onion, Mushrooms, Peppers, Garlic and Chicken

2x Mikado (1 syn)
Batchelors Mild Curry Cup a Noodle
Options Indulgence Hot Choc (3 syns)

I'm far from gorgeous! Lol.
Skin is particularly greasy at the mo, sure it's the hormone change after the depo.

I usually take around two hrs to get ready for a night out but love having time to lavish on straightening hair, putting on lotions and potions... Xx