Hello chick let me give you much needed (((hugs))) . Stress doesnt even begin to cover it lol I know exactly what your going through. We moved into our house 3 years ago, we moved from a 3 bedroom terraced into a 3 story town house there was myself, my OH and son. We moved in on the Friday and there were boxes everywhere and I mean everywhere your right about accumulating rubbish. Then the following Friday my Daughter and her Fiance (now husband) moved in with us supposedly to save money for their wedding. Needless to say it was chaos as we hadnt even unpacked our stuff and then there was theirs on top.
So I have every sympathy with you, I do keep repeating myself and you must get sick of it lol but all I can suggest is 1 day at a time, you are doing your shopping tomorrow, try not to buy anything that isnt SW friendly I know thats hard with a family. Try to plan as best you can your meals the day before ive done mine for the full week and will stick to it. Next ........... dont stress. As kel says you know yourself you really dont want to put it all back on so think about the positives and how far you have come already. You really dont want to go back there and put all that on and more besides. You have been off plan - life gets in the way sometimes. Get right back on it asap, have your WI on Thurs and walk out of the door with positive thoughts. You will do it hun, slowly but surely, make time for yourself, even if its an hour a day, make a list of all the pros and cons of losing weight, I bet the pros outweigh the cons.
Dont forget were here for you anytime and good luck for WI, accept it and move on hun, whats done is done, theres no point stressing about it now x