This Time

I've given in to the Easter chocolate in the shops. I bought a packet of Crème Eggs (9 syns each) and 3 bags of the mini chocolate eggs (Daim, solid chocolate and crème egg) which are between 2.5 and 3 syns each. Added them all to my treat stash :)

I tried one of the SW Iceland frozen meals today. It was the Chicken Tikka Masala one and OMGGGGG it was amazing! It felt like I'd just eaten a really naughty takeaway. Def worth £3!

23 January 2016

Melon, Pineapple & Mullerlight

SW Bacon, Cheese (A), Mushroom and Spring Onion Quiche
Salad with Garlic dressing (2)

SW Chicken Tikka Masala & Rice

Drinks & Snacks
Pepsi Max
Coke Zero
Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Mullerlight and Meringue (2.5)
Crème Egg (9)
Alpen Light (B)

Total Syns: 13.5
I tend to hop on the scales at least once during the week when it's not my official weigh in day. I jumped on this morning and they're showing a 3lb gain... WTF? I've been within my syns every day apart from once going over by 3 syns but I can't see why that would add 3lbs. The only thing I can think of is that because I have very irregular star weeks and I'm currently on week 8 without a star week.

I've left out a lot of carbs today to see if that helps as well as keeping my syns as low as I can. I can't really call it an SP day because I've had corn and yogurts. I've done some body magic in the form of 2 hours housework so lets hope I've sweated out some lbs!

I'm not working tomorrow so I'm going to try and drink a load of water. I can only do it when I'm not working as I literally have to pee every 10 minutes!

24 January 2016

None - I slept til lunchtime!

SW Quiche with bacon, cheese (A), mushrooms and spring onions
Salad and mayo (3)

SW KFC-style chicken in breadcrumbs (B)
Salad and Salad Cream (2)
2 corn on the cob

Drinks & Snacks
Pepsi Max
Melon, Pineapple, Blackberries, Raspberries and 2 muller greek yogurts (1)

Total Syns: 6
WHHHYYY am I feeling soooo hungry today? I bought Wensleydale assuming it was a healthy extra but found out that it's not and every time I open the fridge it's sitting there whispering my name. I'm gonna leave it until Wednesday after I've weighed and just have it as a treat on some crackers... we're all allowed to be naughty every now and then aren't we? :)

Looking forward to Hairy Dieters Chicken Cordon Bleu tonight for my dinner *belly rumbles*
I don't know what's going on today but I've eaten quite a lot and haven't been able to control my cravings :( I really wanted a Crème Egg, tried to take my mind off it by drinking lots and trying to focus on TV but in the end I gave in to it. Maybe my star week is on the way after 8 weeks absence?

My new recipe for the week, Hairy Dieters Chicken Cordon Bleu, was really nice. I served it with new potatoes and salad and was still hungry after a plate full that I ate the other chicken breast I'd cooked too!

25 January 2016

2 nectarines
2 clementines

Ham & Mustard Rolls (B) (2 for Clover)
Quavers (4)

Chicken Corden Bleu (A), new potatoes, salad and salad cream (2)

Drinks & Snacks
Pepsi Max
Mint Thin (2)
Crème Egg (9)

Total Syns: 19 - but it could've been so much worse!

I'm off to have a nice, hot bubble bath now, see if I can avoid food thoughts!
I've done an SP day today seeing as it's weigh day tomorrow. I'm still really bloated and the scales this morning showed a 2lb gain so I'm pretty worried about tomorrow. I know there's nothing I can do about star week and how it affects my body but I've been on plan all week so it'll be disappointing to not lose anything, if that's the case, in the morning. Even if I have gained I'm not going to let it affect next week and I'm going to keep my positive attitude! :)

26 January 2016

Melon & Pineapple

Bacon sandwich made with Warburtons Wholemeal thins (B)
Ketchup (1)

2 Cordon Bleu Chicken Breasts (A)
Salad Cream (2)

Drinks & Snacks
Pepsi Max
Options Hot Chocolate (2)
Quavers (4)

Total Syns: 9