I have finally found the wagon...I couldn't find it at about 1am in my slightly erm....worse for wear? state. But luckily it appears to be a homing fantastic carpet bag wagon so thats ok.
So, I am here...I may need some restraining device in order to keep me on the wagon....hrm...I don't think a seat belt will do it. Did anyone bring a cattleprod?
Have just re-thought the pit stop idea...and I figured that no we don't need pit stops but we do need something to get new wagoneers in....and since we are going quite fast (70mph limit) to slimville maybe we should have some sort of sooky-in device to get wagoneers in whilst we are going along........I am a bit wobbly today, so my artistic flare is a bit squiffy so I shall think of a fantastic design and put it up later when my hands decide to work!
mustdoit - I am glad you enjoyed the fabby bum washing loo....cleanliness is uber important upon the wagon don't you know.....the bum is an area a lot of people neglect to wash....poor bums of the least yours is ok.
SP30 - welcome aboard...I have had to turn of the zappy gloop machine so that you can bring your contraband on the wagon, unless you'd like to get glooped and zapped? some people like that sort of thing

hee will have to have your own special room for it though as us VCLD'ers are sneeky people and are always trying to find pesky reasons to cheat...and food being there is one of those reasons!! we shall design a lovely room, perhaps a little trap door with a slide or something to your food room with a super dooper kitchen. what do you think? gosh...I have a lot of designs to do here.....
mustdoit - hrm....well...postcards eh? we have eeeeeemail and internet...will that do? how else would we get on minimins!!??? internet is essential!

The sachet supply is's in the ration vault along with tetras and bars......I doubt we will run out but perhaps I will PM a CDC to see if they can put some out on the road to slimville and maybe the sooky-in machine can get it?
So...currently on the wagon today are:
A very wobbly me