Step 1 Sole Source This wedding dress will fit!

Hi I'm new to minimins but this is my second time round on the Cambridge diet as I did not complete all the steps before!

Stupidly I decided to order a wedding dress 2 sizes smaller than my current dress size, normal clothes are a size 18/20 but I am wedding dress size 22. The actual size of the dress I ordered was an American size 18 which means I currently have to lose around 8 inches from my bust, 7 from my waist and 4 from my hips.

I started the cambridge diet today after trying slimming world for a number of weeks and only losing 1 pound a week, its not enough to get me into my wedding dress and impending wedding in 3 months time.

Having previously done the cambridge diet 3 years ago spending only 3 months on it I managed to lose 3 stone which astonished me. I kept my weight to around 12st 10lbs for a year and it has increasingly gone back on.

I am currently 15st 9lbs my short term goal being 13st and my long term goal being 11st 9lbs. And I'm really hoping I can stay strong and focused in relation to achieving my goal.

Has anyone got any tips for me on how to do this? Im on sole source currently and had been before so hoping for some great results!

I will update most days whilst on this as I am hoping this will help greatly.:)
Hello I am also new to minimins and cambridge diet - have my first meeting on Monday! I have roughly the same amount of weight to lose as you so hopefully we can motivate each other over the next 3 months.
Hello KP35 and sandyg1604,

One thing my Cambridge lady told me was not to have "a last meal" as such before I embarked as it makes it more difficult regarding the carb headaches etc. So if you can try and keep it lean meat and veg or have your blow out today and lean tomorrow. Then you hopefully won't feel like your depriving yourself and give yourself the best opportunity to keep on the straight and narrow embarking on your journey both Tuesday and Wednesday :).

Well done on getting to this stage as it takes a lot of mental preparation to get started, but once you get passed the first 3 days your going to be ok, keep focused and remember your goal! Good luck ladies.

Also there is a key lime pie shake which I love at the moment and if you like lemon meringue you'll like this and it's worth getting the mousse mix too so that you can have one of the shakes as a pud.

Today I have faced my partner having eggs on toast for breakfast, his nan and him tucking into biscuits and also mini cheddars (my favourite!) But I just keep thinking 2 more days and my hunger will subside and being around food won't bother me so much...... I am really hoping this will be the case :). But I know those goody bits will stand in the way of me achieving my goals!
So hello day 2!! It really is true will power is a muscle the more you use it the stronger it becomes!

Challenges I have faced today include: watching my fiance wolf down a sausage sandwich for breakfast instead I made iced coffee with sweetner . 2nd challenge avoiding the burger van at the car boot sale. Normally I have no problems resisting this but nonetheless I was tormented like a donkey with a carrot put in its face, the smell of onions ever so tempting but managed to get away quickly before my willpower caved in. 3rd challenge going into a coffee shop seeing all the cakes, muffins and pastries and just asking for a iced black coffee with no sugar. Didn't taste great but gave me refreshment :).

Some people may think of my actions as "why is she tormenting herself?" But for me if I expose myself enough to the stimulus then I know I am choosing not to have it. If however I was not exposed to the cakes eff I would on seeing them for the first time want to have it all being counter productive to my weight loss. It may not work for everyone but this is how I have got through my day two.

Time for 3rd shake of the day
Well done for not caving in! From what I have read in various forums it does get easier and I really like your point about will power being a muscle which strengthens the more you use it. Besides your wedding I am sure is a great motivator for sticking to plan and resisting all the temptations.
I have not done a diet like this before so really not sure how it's going to go! I'm hoping that upping my water and keeping busy will detract from the hunger but we will see this week I guess!
It was a roast for me but after a 5 mile walk in the sunshine so I've not been all bad toady!

This thread is perfect for me.
I just started my SS this morning, I weigh around the same as slimbride. I have also done cambridge in the past as SS for 2 months and lost a stone each month. That was 10 years ago, and as much as I tried I never managed to take it seriously again..ever.
But as they say, never say never because history has a tendency of repeating itself.

Slimbride.. I have an immensely important wedding in august in an immensely hot country. I have also at my heaviest I have been in 15 years. I am scared and need help.

I am so scared infact that I am scared to eat.. (err I hope, its still early days)

so ladies..may I join your thread?
Thanks, good luck for tuesday. Have you ever done cambridge before?
From what I remember after the first 10 days (at least for me, i guess it happens to everyone but time frame varies), everyday your clothes will feel bigger and bigger.. once a week I would go to the shops and try the same piece of clothing on, until it fitted..and then I would move on to a different was very quick.
Awe amazing idea. Think I will do the same. Will keep me motivated. I done it about 6 year's ago but only for a few months x
'Only' for a few months?? that is amazing!!!..SS is very hard. I never progressed to any of the other stages. Have you got a deadline? How much are you aiming to lose?
I didnt either. Only managed ss+ for 3 months last time. I am hoping ti stay on ss+ for 3 months this time then go to step 2 or 3. Think I have about 4 stone to lose. Will know more on tue.I am only 4ft 11 and bit x
Hi Martinaslim,

It's quite amazing how quickly you lose as long as you prepare how easy it becomes slipping the Cambridge diet into your life as you will know. And that's a great tip on keeping motivated 're: clothes sizing.

The past couple of days I've got stuck into 2 different series house of cards and true detective whilst my partner has been making food for himself (the distraction method lol!). Also it's very important for me to have my "food first" before he even starts cooking so that way I may still want it but not as much. This maybe helpful if you are always the one cooking the meals :p.

Sandy g and KP sounds like great work all round! I hope your Cambridge ladies give you all the great tips and encouragement you need for starting this, my lady is very helpful just the other day I asked about the sweetner situation. Supposedly we can have tablet sweetners but not powder, I don't know why maybe there is additional ingredients which kick you out of ketosis.

The main thing is no body is infallible and occasionally you do hit bumps in the road but we are all in this together! Here for support , advice and which in turn will help us with our own weight loss. I'm so excited ladies we can do this!!!!
amazing words slimbride..we are so similiar iv done the same!!!!my new series of choice is 'orange is the new black' i reccomend it to anyone starting the SS plan infact it should come with the cambride box. although I can do with more distraction (its amazing how much time eating takes up in my day) i will check out your suggested series.