Thought I'd give it a go!

Well done caz!! Hope you have a lovely time at the wedding!!

I've just booked vegas again!! Couldn't help it I'm hooked! At least I'll stay slim hopefully lose another stone too!
Everything was a bust! My other half hurt his back at work so I stayed home and took care of him so missed the wedding :-( I then pigged out on takeaway pizza and crisps!

Feel like I need another 3 fasts just to make up for it, but I'm off work this week (yippee!) so won't want to fast....
Oh no!! What a shame!
I pigged out too.....just when I thought is got over doing that! So annoyed cos woke up feeling bleughhh this morning because of it so didn't go spinning!

I think I'm going to have to reluctantly accept that I can't ever be diet free :(
He's on the mend, thanks :)

I'm intrigued by the latest research showing the great health benefits of a 2-3 day fast, such as an immune system reboot. The thought of going completely without food for that long sounds like a huge challenge.....and I do like a good challenge! I'm considering trying a 48-hour zero calorie fast at the end of this week.
Your mad!!
I over indulged at the weekend so skipped breakfast had plenty of water, very light lunch and a normal evening meal with ice lolly as a snack. Probably around half of my daily cals if I counted and feel much better even though I haven't purposely restricted myself or counted :)
Haha it does sound quite daunting, and a bit mad doesn't it! Haven't decided whether I'll do it. Right at the end of my holiday does seem the ideal time though x
You can but try ;) its worth giving it a shot if you really want to ( still think your mad lol) just don't beat yourself up if you find it too hard. I just don't have the will power, or I just want my food too much, not sure which ;) x

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I just caught a bit of his 'I can make you thin' tv show when it was on. I remembered the take-home message was to just stop eating when you're full. If only it were that easy! I'm sure the book has a lot more to it than that. It has to!
My mums new kitten!! How cute?!


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So cute!!! Sorry to butt in but I was reading your diary and it really resonated. I gave up on 5:2 for similar reasons. I'm trying to ease myself out of dieting, so I've decided to focus on exercising for a min of 20 mins a day (any exercise) and eat roughly the calories required for maintaining my ideal weight. The plan is that is not v restrictive at all, weight loss will be slow but ill eventually get used to the quantities and can stop counting. Its all long term sustainable, I hope. That's the plan anyway.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
So cute!!! Sorry to butt in but I was reading your diary and it really resonated. I gave up on 5:2 for similar reasons. I'm trying to ease myself out of dieting, so I've decided to focus on exercising for a min of 20 mins a day (any exercise) and eat roughly the calories required for maintaining my ideal weight. The plan is that is not v restrictive at all, weight loss will be slow but ill eventually get used to the quantities and can stop counting. Its all long term sustainable, I hope. That's the plan anyway. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I'm struggling this week. So busy at work that I don't have the time or the energy for the gym and it's taking its toll :( felt so great going all the time and not caring about food! Booked gym classes sat sun and mon to get back on track!

Davinas DVDs are great x