Threadstoppers United. For the new, nearly new...or even the old members :)

*whispers* just peeking to in to see how the thread is

I heard the door creaking open, MD you cant sneek in here without me

How you doing ? Have you heard any news yet on the offer you have made.?
Oooh you've eyes & ears everywhere Sonkie LOL :p Can't get one on you.

No news yet - I'm off out in a mo to meet hubby for lunch to try & take my mind off it all.

Hello my dear thread stoppers, not many left keeping this blasted thing alive!!!!!!!!!!!

I did a weird thing today, please feel free to nip over to my diary and have a look!!!

ANyway, off to get a hot drink and then bedtime for me!
Just popping in to give the thread a kick up the bum and make sure it's still going :p
Sssssshhhhhhh ! make sure no one sees me sneak back in here.....! This is my title for the taking ....mwahhhh haaa haaa haaaaaaaaa!
Ha, in your dreams :D
You know I'm keeping an eye on you Sonkie ;)
Sorry I have been AWOL on this thread for sooooooooooooo long ..................... but I do read it - so hope that counts???!!! Hoping I can get away with it by typing small and not making too much noise???
That's fine Bev - we'll just pretend we haven't seen you ;) :p
You know I'm keeping an eye on you Sonkie ;)

I have never been stalked

Sorry I have been AWOL on this thread for sooooooooooooo long ..................... but I do read it - so hope that counts???!!! Hoping I can get away with it by typing small and not making too much noise???

I saw you !!!!!!!

That's fine Bev - we'll just pretend we haven't seen you ;) :p

Not likely
Awwwwwwwww!!! Nearly got away with it!!!!

Morning ladies .... hope you have a beautiful sunny day where you are today???

I have a couple of clients today - then off to see my eldest daughter in Chester for the evening. What are you up to today????
Hiya Bev & Sonkie

Sun is shining here today, but the wind is a bit cooler, lovely though.

Been to the gym this morning, got a few clients dotted about this afteroon & evening.

Have a lovely day both & enjoy your evening with your daughter Bev :)

Morning everyone
Bit cooler here today - even had to put the heating on for an hour earlier.
A few clients this morning - then definately a tidy up day :cry: :eek: :mad: :sigh: :break_diet:
Heating on .......crikey, its lurvely down here, glorious sunshine.......ahhhhh laid out on the lounger, the birds chirping away with an iced water in one hand and a dishy fella to keep me company......!

OOOOPS back to reality Hubby just walked in the room.