ok so the rest of the day i've had
alpen light bar - toffee and fudge - 1/2 heB
mugshot (pre-gym) - 0 syns
Quorn spag bol and cheese - 0 syns and heA
Total syns for the day 4.5 - quite pleased with that.
In other news.... got a blender for my birthday in prep for making yummy winter soups.
Also bought a groupon voucher for these fancy shorts that apparently make you sweat more when you exercise and claim you can lose a dress size in 2 weeks - a bit sceptical but seems to have rave reviews so excited about getting them - will keep posted on the results.
Also went to the gym tonight - got a new plan which is super hardcore and think i finally found an endorphin - just one - but its a start! still think i get more endorphins from crisps!! haha!
but todays exercise diary was:
rower - 5 mins
xtrainer - 20 mins on interval setting
treadmill 12 mins - 5 mins jog, 1 min run, 1 min jog etc etc 2 mins walk at end
then body pump class - no abs though which was a bit disappointing.
feeling pretty positive but always do at the start of the week - but fingers crossed. now need to sit down and do a menu plan for the rest of the week as no food in yet - but thats tomorrows plan!