Last TFR weigh in tomorrow and starting refeed.. The thought of eating tomorrow is terrifying x
Last TFR weigh in tomorrow and starting refeed.. The thought of eating tomorrow is terrifying x
Only a 1.5lb loss this week! It was going to be around 4 but then mother nature paid a visit and it's crept up again, is that to be expected? Oh the joys of being a woman.
Morning all, so pleased that I have lost 12lbs. woohoo. over the moon. Ive gone from the 16s to almost in the 14s. Loving LT x x
Urgh she's staying with me this week too! And it's making it even harder. Still, a loss is a loss! Well done! And think of the big one you could have next week to make up for it!x
10.0 3/4 today nearly at my mini goal
morning all, 8lbs down this week so thats 20lbs in 2 weeks. feeling so happy enjoy your day x x
Fantastic Jenny, 20lbs in 2 weeks is absolutely amazing .. Whats your plans for Lt over the holdiays? x