getting there slowly
Nice surprise for you then when you jumped on those scales.
Just over 2 hours then I can see how I've got on
Thank you it was a lovely surprise, goodluck for tonight :fingerscrossed: for a good weight loss. xx
1lbs great especially if you expected to put on x
Thank you, it felt like I had put on even tho I have been really good, my tummy was really bloated, but I am really chuffed I lost instead
Just had a text from my C to say unfortunately there will be no weigh in tonight due to her not feeling very well and unable to find cover at short noticeHope she feels better soon
What a bummer, never mind at least you won't get it marked in your book as a gain, good luck in next week

Well done,its always nice when you think you have put on but you lose xxx
Thank you, I always close my eyes when I get weighed and my wi teacher says all done, you can look in your book now, so it was a lovely surprise to find I had loss :clap:, convinced I was going to put on with it being my *week. xx