Thursday Weighers

Well done Beauty, and good luck Tubby. Not sure how I'll fare this week, shall just have to see what the scales have to say later!
Urgh 4.5lbs back on. ooops. I was expecting a gain, but hoped it wouldn't be that much. Partly a less than saintly week and partly evening WI I think. Oh well, start of a new week
From experience, it's so disheartening to have a gain. I know it'll come but I'm not looking forward to it! What do you do to move on? I struggle to forget it and end up on a slippery slope!
From experience, it's so disheartening to have a gain. I know it'll come but I'm not looking forward to it! What do you do to move on? I struggle to forget it and end up on a slippery slope!

Just draw a line! I was expecting a gain and deserved it (I had hoped it wouldn't be that much!), so it was ok. I'm doing my meal planning today to make sure that I've got plenty to look forward to, and so I feel in control of what I'm going to eat.

Well done Tubby - that's a fab loss
hey guys hope you dont mind me joining yas :) rejoined last thurs and will be going to class on thurs x
Hi All, I'm a Thursday weigher just come back to minis after a long break so far this time round I've lost 4lbs X