Thursday Weighers

1lb off today - which I'm very happy with as I had 3 days off plan...

It's funny how last week I was really disappointed with a 1lb loss, and this week I'm delighted!!

Good luck all
Glad everyone's doing so well! I rather feel like I've lost my motivation at the moment. I have to go to a meeting on Thursday this week, so will be facing the scales tomorrow instead. Good luck for this week x
Thanks, Squeako! Wow, that's a fab loss. 2lbs off for me this morning. And I have agreed to form part of a team for Trailwalker. Definitely something to motivate me and keep me going.
3lbs off. Yay! :bunnydance:
STS this week, 2 weeks in but determined to stick with it - I lost 7lbs last week so I know it works! Plan for this week is to drink more water and be as speedy as poss!
I weighed in a day early as I'm off on holiday tomorrow. A 1lb gain this week, though to be fair it probably balances out the (not deserved) 3lb loss last week...

At least I don't have to give back my 1 stone award... until after my holiday at least!

Good luck tomorrow
yay amazing! Well done @Squeako

I weighed this morning, as I have an early start tomorrow. Amazed and surprised by a 2lb loss.
Don't be sad, Laura! A loss is still a loss, and they all add up.

Off to my sister's wedding! Helping decorate today, then the wedding tomorrow. I don't think next week will bring a surprise loss!!