I was a Wednesday weigher......but have gone back to class to get the info on EE.....only familiar with red and green, so now a Thursday weigher.......but wow....I love EE......xxx
Well not a good week for me, but then I knew it wasn't going to be...gained 1lb. Not worried though, I had a very unusual week, so back at it full force today!
good luck everyone - i have let the team down this week - been super naughty - got one 100% day under my belt though - so whatever the damage this week, its OFF next!!! *Postive Mental Attitude* hehe! xxx
ps weigh in is tonight - think 6lbs on!!! ooof! xxx
keep going - you will easily lose that small gain next week! Might be you wore something different this week, ate something before weigh in, feeling more bloated, changed exercise this week, not eaten enough food/syns, not eaten enough superfree fruit/veg, have you measured everything you have eaten to ensure the syns? are you having your a and b choice healthy extras?
sorry for million suggestions there, but you might think'oh yes' thats why!
My 2nd weigh in tonight - 5.30pm. I lost 4lbs the first week & fingers crossed will have lost another 2lbs tonight - Have tried really hard this week to stay on the sw plan - even been eating Quorn mince - yuk - so i hope it pays off - lol
Well done to those already weighed in... My hubbys away this week so can't make group this week; which may be a blessing as have been a TOTAL pig this week... i blame the baby though... 36+2 today not long to go... i'm joking though... it's all my fault but back on plan since yesterday so hopefully this week will counteract if i get to group next week....
Gutted , got weighed this morning and put 1.5lbs on , I have cried all day as I am just miserable and angry. I keep a food diary online every day and have stuck to it like mad , also played badminton on sunday for the first time in years , not a good day today , think my hormones are all over the place x
Half a pound on for me this week, not bad considering the 1 day I'd planned to be a little off plan, turned into 3 days a little of plan and 1 way off plan. I really shouldn't start drinking at 11am.