Thursday Weighers

Thank you! I just hope I can keep it going. I have done SW in the past and put on all the weight I lost and then some by falling back into my bad habits. This time I really want to do it though and feel much more positive about being able to stick at it long term.
I've doing SW for 12 weeks but have been mostly lurking on this forum so though I had better join in! I had WI this morning and lost 3.5lb, so I have a total of 3st 0.5lb! I am very chuffed!

3.5lb is brill - well done.
How have you managed to loose a stone a month. I'd love that. do you have a food diary i could see?
I lost my first stone in the first 2 weeks which I think shows just how badly I was eating before; I would happily sit and eat a whole packet of biscuits in 10 minutes that I have since worked out would have been 40syns! The other 2stone has gone in 10 weeks. I do my food diary on paper so can't show you, unfortunately. The main thing I do though is have loads and loads of superfree. I have swapped shopping at tesco for Aldi for my fruit and veg as it was getting very expensive! I make a root veg soup at the weekend that makes 4 or 5 portions and I have that for lunch throughout the week. I am pretty strict with myself in terms of syns and won't go over the 105 a week. I might do 20syns one day then cut down the next but I always keep a running total. I think I'm also losing quite quickly as I started at just over 21stone so have a lot to lose. I am sure my losses will slow down as I get smaller.
Supergirl1980 said:
I lost my first stone in the first 2 weeks which I think shows just how badly I was eating before; I would happily sit and eat a whole packet of biscuits in 10 minutes that I have since worked out would have been 40syns! The other 2stone has gone in 10 weeks. I do my food diary on paper so can't show you, unfortunately. The main thing I do though is have loads and loads of superfree. I have swapped shopping at tesco for Aldi for my fruit and veg as it was getting very expensive! I make a root veg soup at the weekend that makes 4 or 5 portions and I have that for lunch throughout the week. I am pretty strict with myself in terms of syns and won't go over the 105 a week. I might do 20syns one day then cut down the next but I always keep a running total. I think I'm also losing quite quickly as I started at just over 21stone so have a lot to lose. I am sure my losses will slow down as I get smaller.

Well done sweetie... makes it worth the effort ... xx

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Hi thursday people. Havent been able to keep up to date here as work has decided to get busy the last couple of weeks.
It's 1 lb gone for me. Am a very very happy camper, got my 2 stone target!!!!!!!!!!!
Now the goal is to STS for the next two weeks as the christmas festivities begin..........
Best of luck with your weigh ins

2.5lb off for me, I'm a little disappointed but I suppose its off and I did eat chocolate last night :-(

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First WI tonight and lost 3 pounds. After engagement party, lots of champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries I am chuffed :)

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-1.5 off for me!xx
+2.5lbs this week after missing last week.
still 30.5lbs lost since August when I started, Not getting my body magic done with been on paternity etc gonna try pull some of that gain back next week
Lost 2lbs this week :) Yay :) Been back on track for two weeks and lost 5.5lbs so far woohoo xxx
+1.5 for me. Totally expected, choc, fairy cakes, crisps, gingerbread lattes, panninis & crisps are not the way to have a loss. Will now be happy just to maintain between now & January. Well done all you losers