Tiger-lilly's SW food journey

I hate when slim people say that their fat. If they ask me I say yes you are! They don't say much after that. Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app

Lol!!! Have you got many friends...?!!! ;)

Good luck for wi tomorrow hunni xxx

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Pmsl! I have some left I think! :p

In a lot of pain this morning. IBS has started up again. And I am so bloated as well. Managed to lose 2lb this week :) Am happy with that.
I was babysitting last night. Tyler was so good! Love him to bits.
I will be staying with a friend tonight but will be very weary of what I eat as she will give me so much food then only have a small bowl herself. She doesn't like it when I loss weight so tries to fatten me up again :(. She almost starvea herself to lose weight then binges in secret (she thinks) and wonders why she doesn't lose anything. But as a good friend I try to explain that this is not healthy and she will not get the results she wants. But she won't listen to me because I am morbidly obese. She will prefer to listen to people that are slim and does exactly what she ia doing to maintain their alim figures. No explaining qill make her see differently. So I will just stick to my plan and show her. That's all I can do.
So the plan is to have a big breakfast, which I did. Bacon scrambled eggs and toast. Love a cooked brekkie. For lunch will be a filling salad while I am out working. Then this wvwning I plan to get to hers before her and cook loads of veg with some mince and tatties. That way if she xomes in with takeaway I can give it to her children to share. Yes I think will work.
Well I suppose I had better get ready to go to work now. Catch up later!
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Hey Tiger!!! Good loss today! Well done!

Goodness me! Sounds like you've got your work cut out with that friend! I like your coping strategy tho!

Sorry to hear your IBS has flared up :( As a newly diagnosed IBS'er, I'm learning to live with it now. I've noticed a definite link between stress and symptoms though. Staying here at Gail's with absolutely no work worries or stresses has had an immediate effect on me. No emergency dashes to the loo first thing in the morning ( several times!) and even the permanent pain in my side doesn't seem so bad.

Do u keep an IBS diary? There's a very good app which I use for writing down my food and also recording symptoms. I think it's called 'my symptoms' xx
I'm 17st 8lb atm. I have had a bad week and refused to put my food and drink in the diary as I know I haven't eaten enough and drank too many syns. But I am drawing a line under it now and moving on. I will start to take my own advise and not beat myself up about it. Life is for living and I intend to live it to the full! Warts and all. If you fall off the wagon just pick yourself up, dust yourself down and jump back on.

My colleague at work is so thin ( but an absolute stunner ) had a panic attack when she found out she'd lost 4lb and stuffed her face until she was sick in a hope to gain it back. Then she felt guilty and starved herself to lose it again! I don't want to be like that. It scares me.

My son got another delivery to from Amazon that he ordered earlier this week. When I opened the door I was so excited cos I thought it was for me! Lol

My son has gone to get some shopping and I will plan some meals till Saturday then see what damage I have done.

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Hi Tiger-lilly, don't beat yourself up about it. You have the right attitude by drawing a line under it. What's done is done, move on and keep a positive attitude. Together we can do it!!
Hi Tiger-lilly, don't beat yourself up about it. You have the right attitude by drawing a line under it. What's done is done, move on and keep a positive attitude. Together we can do it!!

Well said Jayne x I can't add anything to that at all xxx

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Back again! It's been a good few months since I have been to my diary. I don't want to start a new one so will just continue and keep up with my posts as well as I can.
I still didn't get any joy from Amazon about the sw books I ordered and paid for so I decided to join a group. I don't know how long I will be there for as it is a drop in group at lunch time. I can't go in the evenings as I work weird hours.
I have been to 2 meetings then had to book 3 weeks hols as I was the only supervisor at work and the work load was huge! Ended up making me ill and have now had to take a week off with ear and chest infection! They were not happy with that. Looking for a new job with a more considerate company. Hope there's one out there!
Weighed in at 17st 12lbs and went to 2 leaving do's a wedding and a birthday party in one weekend and put on 2lb! :eek:
Have done well since then and have turned down a girls night out twice.
Another reason for joining group was because I am to be a bridesmaid to one of my besties who sprung an engagement dinner on me and announced this to me the same night. I was in shock! Me.....wear a dress....at my size!!!!!
So here we go again and I am looking forward to the challenge. Have nine months to a year to lose as much as possible so that I will feel comfortable in a dress and in myself.

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Coffee with milk and slice of cake 13.5 syns

Ham salad sandwich Quavers banana and coffee with milk

Haven't used a lot of syns this week and I really enjoyed the cake with my coffee. A treat I haven't had in a long time. Unsure of dinner at the moment. Have to have route round in the fridge.

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This afternoon I had more cake with more coffee. I think I can see a pattern forming. Must nip it in the butt.
Baxters chicken broth and fish sticks.
About 39syns today but have had very little all week. Must keep better track on them. I will have a banana before bedtime meds.

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Yesterday was a funny old day. Was on track till I had to go get lunch for my son. Pie mash and liquor! Eneded up having some my self. I had intened to share mine with my grandson but his mum got to him first :( Was nice as I hadn't had any for 2 years and it is just down the road for us. They have it regularly when I'm at work so it didn't bother me. But I have been off work for a week so I couldn't resist. I then had home made chicken in a bun. Well actually I had 2!
Don't know how many sins for yesterday. Today has been a sw cooked breakfast shared with my grandson. It was a messy process but yummy :D
Plan to use the treadmill today. Had an accident 9n it the last time and it shook me up a bit but will be careful of what buttons to press this time!

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Hi Tiger-Lilly, Have been reading your diary and hope all goes well on the treadmill. I have just rejoined SW so my motivation is high at the moment. Hoping to go on holiday in June so want to lose one and a half stones by then. We have a cat called Tigerlily. Hope you have a good day today.
Morning Minis
Hope you had a lovely weekend with the warm weather and sunshine. I didn't do as well as I had expected to do but will take it on the chin tomorrow at weigh in.
Had special chow mein on Saturday and Iceland burgers on sunday :eek: But today is a new day so bring it on.
So far have had rice pudding using my hea and a weetabix muffin at 1.5 syns. That makes it an EE day for me. I plan to have roast chicken with new potatoes and sprouts for lunch and a bowl of banana, kiwi and stasumas at some point in the afternoon.
Didn't feel to go back to work today so am at home and will go back tomorrow.
Really don't feel good atm. Just feel weak. Glad i have finished the last of the antibiotics this morning. They make me sleep. I was up and ready to go to work this morning then a wave of whoosie came over me after I took the medication and then I slept til 3.30pm this afternoonhen. Determind to go to work tomorrow. Be back on my regular medication tomorrow so hopefully I will be back to normal in no time. Been on plan today but weigh in tomorrow :eek:
Just had jacket potato with beans and cheese. It was nice but only able to eat half. I seriously think my job has a lot to so with my stress and weakened ammune system. Desperately need another job :(

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So I put on 1lb this week. Not what I wanted to see but there you go. Back at work but taking it easy for a change. Have decided to give up smoking next week. Will be going on the patches and using a vapour e-cigerette.

Have eaten fairly well so far this week but been too tired when I get home to post in my diary. Will try to do better.
I'm at a loss! I am a dress size down, ate well all week with a meal out yesterday, syned to 23 syns, which were saved, and the scales say that I have a 4lb gain!!!!
I'm constipated and very fed up now :(:(

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