Oh dear, sorry you've been feeling so rough. Totm for me too and it's never fun.
Did the cheesecakes sink in the middle or flopped as in didn't taste right? In the recipe I was working from them sinking was a common problem - cooking in a waterbath and letting them cool very slowly in the oven solved it for most people. My first lot before I tried that were all misshapen - but still if that happens they should still taste ok? People were just putting cream in the dips where they sunk.
I made an almond bread today - recipe in my diary which I think with the addition of some cream, sweetener and vanilla flavor in the mix would also make a nice sponge.
Or there's the old standard of the chocolate mim.
Rhubarb, strawberries and blueberries are good go to fruits when you're desperate. Also sugar free jelly.
We all have slips and moments when we need something else. Please be careful if you're celiac though, even if cake doesn't make you feel bad the damage it might be doing isn't worth it, especially as there are gorgeous gluten free cakes out there if you still need the sugar

not lecturing, I've just had similar problems to the ones celiac throw up and know you really want to avoid it if you can.
You'll be fine though, just get back on plan when you're able and you'll be shifting the lbs again in no time.